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Three days later, I dialed her number again, but this time it was switched off, and I sighed heavily. My chest feels so heavy, yet empty, like I've lost a huge part of myself. We've had our arguments before, but never like this.

What's most upsetting is that we didn't even really fight - she just said her piece, and walked away, leaving me kneeling on the street, sobbing uncontrollably.

I know seeing Madison kiss me must have been heartbreaking for her. Hell, I would've torn the world apart if I had seen her and Mitch kiss. I can only imagine the scenarios that run through her mind about what happened.

Madison's return has shaken our relationship so much, and it has taken a toll on both of us. I didn't even get the chance to assure her and find a solution to some of Madison's problems, so I could keep a healthy distance and make my girl happy again.

Some way some how I felt the need to help Madison out in any way that I can. But now All of Justine's worst fears have come true, and I hate that I'm the reason she's so devastated.

I remember how I was dragged into the car by Oscar after she left with her friends, and apparently, Lucas also took Madison home. It was probably for the best, because I would've said or done something I couldn't take back. I'm grateful for my friends at times like this.

Oscar's hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. "I know you're not in the right state of mind right now, but I promise everything will be fine again. You two have something rare and pure, and you deserve it after everything you've been through. Lucas and I will do everything we can to help." His eyes were filled with empathy and a determination to see me through this ordeal.

I nodded weakly and squeezed his hands thankfully, unable to find the words to express my gratitude.

That evening, I called her phone so many times and sent so many pathetic messages, but I can't even bring myself to feel ashamed because I love her so much. I've always felt for her in a way I've never felt before, and seeing her walk away from me hit me with the realization that the feeling was love, and I can't lose her.

The following day, I went to her place first thing in the morning, but her mom, who surprisingly was still nice and understanding, said Justine had asked her not to let me see her.

I guess she must've thought it was just a simple misunderstanding. I left, my heart heavy, and went back in the evening to knock on her window for  hours with no response from her, until I got very tired and had to leave, defeated.

On Saturday, I was drenched in the rain from standing outside their mansion all day and caught a cold. So on Sunday, I couldn't go because I was very sick, my body wracked with fever and chills.

Today, I'm feeling better and continuing my efforts, but her phone is still off. I found out through Oscar that she's not planning on going to school today and hasn't left her room, just sulking, her heart as broken as mine.

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