Dressed Up...Pushed Down

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Alyssa' s POV

"Cecelia!! I need advice... Fashion advice," I called to my older sister from my full length mirror. I know this sounds really crazy, but I needed to look good, even if it was my ex. I usually didn't care, but I felt like today was different.

"I thought you would never ask," Cecelia came strutting into my room in a comfy yet stylish outfit. She was in eleventh grade, and I was in seventh. "What for?"

I need... well I urmm... there is this guy who face-timed me yesterday telling me he had some tickets to a concert and I was the first person that he thought about giving them to me. Then he said he missed me." I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding.

"Ok, um, let's see what you have." CeCe started to pull out a pair of skinny black jeans and a cute one should silky top when she froze and turned near me slowly. "Oh no, this is not who I think it is is it?!"

"Well, um you see, uh-"

"You are not going to try to impress Aaron! Don't you see Ally, Aaron is a jerk, he dumped you for another girl, don't you ever believe what he says about missing you," Cecelia screamed at me and threw the clothes on the floor, and stormed out.

I sighed, looking at the outfit and shrugged it on. I knew Aaron, and what he said was true. He wasn't lying when he said he missed me, and I could see it in his eyes. I looked at myself again, and decided I looked gorgeous. I put on some light makeup and pulled my black flats on. I glanced at the clock. 7:30! Yikes! I had thirty minutes to eat and pack my back pack, plus walk to school! I flew downstairs and grabbed a cereal bar, some yogurt, and a banana. I mixed together my famous parfait and quickly gobbled it down. After that, I poured some Cinnamon Toast Crunch for my little brother Hunter. He was expected to wake up soon to go to preschool. My sister would then drive him then head to her school. My parents couldn't do this because they both worked at a hospital. I'm sure I was flying through the air, I was going so fast. I shoved my schoolwork into my back pack and leaped up every other step to my bathroom where I brushed my teeth and corrected any makeup problems if needed.

Bye CeCe! Hunter, wake up," I hollered from the front door.

Aaron's POV

I couldn't wait to see Alyssa this morning. The cold air was nipping at my nose as I walked to Carson Creek Middle School. Most kids walked there, it gave us time to chat and clear our minds. I usually turned the corner now to meet up with my friends and take a secret shortcut, but I decided against it. I needed time alone. What was I going to say after I gave Alyssa the tickets? Was I going to make a move?

Alyssa's POV (Hallway)

You can do this Ally. Just be cool. Easier said than done. Aaron was at his locker now, 7:56. Should I just go now. I started to walk towards him. His back was facing me, so I would have to tap his back for him to notice me. Just as I was about to do this, I saw two manicured hands snake around to the back of Aaron's neck, pulling him closer. I knew those hands. Casey Rixie. The most popular cheer leader on the squad. She had dated Aaron not once but twice. Tears were on the merge as I knew they were, well kissing. NO. They were making out. Through the slight blur, I saw the tickets tight in her hands. MY tickets. I just turned and walked away. Cecelia was right. I shouldn't have trusted him.

The rest of the day dragged by. I got complements from many boys, saying I looked hot and all that junk. I kept myself closed up. My friends couldn't even get me to talk.

Aaron's POV

Alyssa had been avoiding me the whole day. Why? I didn't know. Well, let me explain:


I knew that singsong voice. CASEY. What does she want now?

"Oh, Aaron, how I've missed your soft lips on mine. I got some more of your FAVORITE lip gloss. Care to try it out," Casey tauntingly asked me.

"No thanks Casey, I'd rather-" But before I could finish, she leaned in and planted her strawberry lips on mine. I have to say I enjoyed it. Who doesn't like a kiss from a cheer leader? As much as I liked the kiss I really needed to talk to Alyssa. Speaking of Alyssa, what if she saw this, what was I going to do if she didn't want the tickets. THE TICKETS. CASEY. I remembered now that just before she leaned in she had grabbed the tickets from my grasp. Of course. Casey knew that I had the tickets. She knew that her kiss was my weakness. I abruptly pulled away. "Give them back," I growled.

"I don't know what you are talking about sweetheart," Casey batted her fake eyelashes. "Oops, I forgot, I have to talk to my gals now, kiss ya later!" And with that she flounced away.

And for the rest of the day, Alyssa avoided me. When I caught up to her in the halls, she gave me a pained look and said, "Look Aaron, I can't talk with you right now."

That's when I knew, she saw. Poor Alyssa probably thought I was a cheater.



Hey guys here is part 2!! Love u all so much and




trust me it will make my day!

Allison and Sarah-

C what I did there with Hunter? Eh!!

Anywho, give me suggestions and support, I would love to hear from you all!

PS- What do u guys think of Casey. Like her? Hate her? Should she be a common character? Tell me what ya think!



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