Love on the Field

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Hunter's POV:

I was confused. Ally was obviously mad at this man, but why did he kiss her? Maybe it was the guy that I bit the fingers off of. He really didn't get the message. Oddly his fingers were OK, so I must not have done that good of a job. Oh well, I did my best.

Alyssa's POV

Oh no. I won't let him into your life. A kiss- one little kiss can NOT change your mind about this boy Alyssa. I should just forget about it. CeCe would know what to do...Wait. Should I tell Cecelia? She would probably fully sanitize my mouth and ask me if Aaron got "up in my space" or anything.

When we got home, the dusk air was just settling in, so Hunter was cold. "We're hoooome," Hunter sang.

"Good, because we have to go somewhere tonight," My mother replied.

My brother, sister and I all looked at each other and groaned simultaneously, "Where now?"

"Haha kids very funny, but we are going to the Carson Cougar' s Middle School Baseball Team Championship!" My father seemed way to excited for the situation.

"I knew this was not good. Aaron. Baseball Team. Flirty Jerk Kid. Aaron. Sweet Frog.

Those same thoughts re-played on my mind as we got closer and closer to the dugout. As if that wasn't enough to think about, my crazy family came along. VERY CRAZY. Just last Christmas we had to choose our Christmas Card Picture, and nearly all of them were messed up. Seriously, like 3/4 ofthem.


There was one good thing that came out of this trip. I had an adorable outfit to support the team. Our school colors were Navy blue and white, so I paired an chic navy strappy tank with a white halter bikini top. (This was underneath the tank) I had a white baseball cap and white shorts to match. My Carmel locks were pulled out of their usual messy bun, and were slightly curled because of it. I sported my new navy Toms and presented myself in light white eye shadow, and black mascara. This was nothing special, but I felt as if I needed to look good.

"Alyssa, Alyssa!" A very familiar voice rang through my ears. I saw my best friend Emma running up to me, sporting her boy friend's baseball jersey and some white skinnys with white wedge flip flops. Her long brown hair was pulled into a French braid, and she had added a touch of natural makeup, she looked adorable!!

"Oh my gosh, you look like-AMAZING she exclaimed.

"You're the one who looks like she just stepped off the runway" I protested.

Suddenly, my other best friend Kara ran over to us, tackling me in a bear hug. I loved her outfit, a blue and white dotted circle top with white denim shorts complete with navy wedges and light eye makeup. It was mid-May so our outfits were appropriate.

" I hope he notices me tonight," Kara says jumping up and down at the thought of her long time crush, Jake talking to her, maybe even asking her out.

I rolled my eyes at this. I've had enough boy drama for my time, and I wish my friends would just let it go that I didn't really like anyone. I hadn't told them about the story behind my separation with Aaron yet, so they still thought that we still had a spark or something. I told Emma and Kara everything, but my Aaron situation was mine to think about.

We rushed towards our seats that were conveniently near the dugout. Lucky me.

"There he is, oh he's looking this way!" Kara looked like she was about to faint. She was a total romantic, but when it came to up close crush convos, she was level zero.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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