This is....

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This is....
This is...
This is whatever you want it to be.
All the fun we've had together... Will never be forgotten.
BEN sighed, seeing the ___'s bags packed. Turns out her family needs her, but the guys don't want her to go. Too many memories were made with her... Whether sad, happy, or angry, they all held onto those memories like their life depended on it.
"Do... You have to go???" Toby asks ____ as she puts the last of her bags in the living room.
She nods sadly,"I'm sorry... I still have one day left with you guys..."
"Well..." EJ starts, grabbing her hand and intertwining it with his own.
"Let's make the day last like its our last."
she smiles, tears coming out from her eyes. "WELL?!hahahah, what are we waiting for!!" LJ says, pulling ___ outside, the others following.
Where were they going??
No one knows....
Only their hearts know where they can go.

"Wow...." ___ says in awe as they walk around a carnival there was in town.
"OOOH CANDY!!"LJ says, pulling ____ along. She giggles as he buys a whole bunch of candy, sharing it with ___. She then gets pulled away by BEN, who takes her to the gaming booth.
" I betcha I can win this on the first try." He says, smirking. ___ giggles, nodding."
" it's on."
*few minutes later*
___ was now on the floor, laughing her ass off. BEN lost the bet, and now he has to buy the biggest stuffed animal he could find before she leaves.
He mutters some curse words as JTK comes around the corner and pulls them both towards the Ferris wheel, where Toby, LJ, EJ and lost silver were waiting. Hoodie and masky didn't want to go on the ride, so they stayed by the exit gate.
As they got on, ___ smiled, seeing the sun setting. The Ferris wheel started to move slowly, making them go higher and higher.
"Thank you... For today."
"Oh... They day isn't over yet!"

Now, before you go jump ahead, let me explain.
Masky, whom wanted to spend time with ____ before she left, decided to take her to a house... But not just any house, the house of the person who bullied her for many years.
He and her then destroyed that persons house and t-p'ed it until it was completely full of toilet paper, head to toe. Now, they were being chased by the police.
___ laughs, finding maskys pretend slurring to be hilarious. "PSST!" They hear to their right.
"COME 'ere!"
They look at each other, then shrug, running into the alley, loosing the cops.
They see that it was hoodie, who looks slightly mad.
"Why d-didn't you invite me?!" He whisper yells at them.
"Sorry..." Masky mutters, but hoodie shakes his head. "No I won't forgive you... Unless you give me ____."
Masky sighs, giving you to hoodie, who runs off into the woods.
"Where are we going~?"
"Y-you'll find out soon."

"Wow! This"
Turns out, hoodie knew a good place to have a picnic by the lake... The lake was absolutely beautiful. It sparkled because of the moons rays, the water looking clear as day.
He smiles shyly and hands you a cookie, I which you gladly accept and munch on.
"Do you... Really have to go?" Hoodie says, breaking the silence.
".... Don't worry about it... Let's live for now... Not the future."

Soon, it was daylight.
____ opens her eyes, seeing the sun rays beam down on her.
She sighs, remembering what the day was....
The day she leaves...
She doesn't want to go...
But she has to....

She doesn't want to leave them behind...
She knows she will see them in at a different time....
In a different setting...
And she will love every second of it....

THE END..... For now...

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