ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17

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All fourteen of them were once again in a circle to talk about some things. And the first thing they talked about was the creature. So, while most of them were taking a break, Seungcheol and Jeonghan asked the others if anything similar had happened to them.

"So, it only happened to us?" Soonyoung was the one who asked, and of course his boyfriend had to say something about his question. "Well, that's just what Seungcheol said. If you listened, then you wouldn't ask these questions, you idiot."

The others, except for Seungkwan and Vernon, chuckled a little at this, as Soonyoung and Jihoon would always agrue, so they didn't think much of it. But this time was different. Soonyoung seemed hurt, which was weird because normally he would laugh at things like this.

"You're right. I'm sorry; I should have listened and not asked these stupid questions. I'll keep quiet now." Soonyoung's voice was low, and he looked down, feeling his heart break more than it already was. The others seemed to notice that Soonyoung was down too, but before they could ask anything, Jihoon started speaking again.

"Oh, please, you don't need to-" This time, Seungkwan cut him off. He was visibly pissed at Jihoon. "Jihoon, if you're not going to say something nice, then shut the fuck up." The others were shocked. Seungkwan was mostly calm and would laugh with them, but this time he didn't. He wouldn't let his best friend get hurt by someone who didn't deserve his love.

Soonyoung just sighed. He didn't want any attention from this. "Kwan, I'm fine. And respect Jihoon; he's older than you." Seungkwan was even more frustrated when Soonyoung protected Jihoon. He felt so bad for Soonyoung. At this point, he wanted to kill Jihoon; he didn't deserve Soonyoung, not as a friend, and definitely not as a lover.

Is that how relationships work? No, in a relationship, you're supposed to love and care for your lover, but Jihoon never did any of this. It was like a one-sided love, and that hurt him. He remembered the day Soonyoung came to school happy because he was in a relationship with Jihoon, but now? He was now hurt by the same person.

Seungkwan sighed and just kept his mouth shut, so that he wouldn't say anything that he might regret later. Soonyoung held his hand and reassured him that he was fine, but Seungkwan didn't believe one word that came out of Soonyoung's mouth. He was clearly sad, and there was no point in lying because it was obvious that he was hurt and broken inside.

Soonyoung was the strongest person Seungkwan knew. He had to deal with his mother's emotional abuse, and now Jihoon's as well. He felt bad and just wanted to cry and hug his best friend. They were so close to each other, and Seungkwan knows about his situation with his mother, yet he can't do anything about it because Soonyoung has begged him not to say anything.

And he couldn't break Soonyoung's trust, not now or in the future. The vibe in the room was now really strange. None of them wanted to talk, so Minghao and Jun thought that this may be the time to tell them about Iseul. "Guys, I need to tell you all something."

All of them looked at Minghao, and seeing his face, they knew that this couldn't be good news. "So, you guys know Iseul, right?" All of them nodded their heads, curious as to why Minghao would ask this, as Minghao really didn't care about people that he didn't really know that well.

"Well, then I need to show you all this recording." All of them were confused. Why did Minghao want to show them some recordings when he didn't really care about others? Their question was soon answered after hearing the recording. All of them were shocked, except for Vernon and Jun, who had already heard the recording. "Well, this is the cherry on top, I guess." Jeonghan was visibly pissed.

They were in a dangerous situation. Jihoon and Soonyoung's fight was also quite heated and bad. And then this girl has to come and fuck everything up more. Seungcheol, seeing the discomfort on their faces, just said they should go to sleep.

Even if some of them protested against the idea, they couldn't deny that they were tired, so they listened to Seungcheol and made their beds.

Soonyoung slept near Vernon and Seungkwan because he couldn't bring himself to sleep next to Jihoon. Mingyu and Wonwoo slept together, while the others were with their boyfriends.

Jeonghan was obviously tired but didn't sleep. When Seungcheol realized his boyfriend was still awake, he hugged him. "Babe, go to sleep. I know you're worried, but we will figure something out. I promise.

"Jeonghan sighed but smiled at Seungcheol's words. He went closer to the older one and pecked his pink lips. "You're right. Good night, Cheol." He rested his head on Seungcheol's chest before both of them fell asleep, cuddling each other.


Another chapter for you guys, because I'm bored. Anyway, I love you and thank you all so much for the 3K reads. I really appreciate it. <3

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