2. the ruination of the king and queen

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Im Hyejin stepped out of the vehicle, and she was instantly greeted by the traditional house of the Lee Family, the second eldest son standing outside of the front door—waiting for her.

"You didn't have to come here, I could have picked you up from your place," Lee Woojin approached the girl, not wasting any time to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.

Hyejin smiled at his affection, "It's fine, I wanted to visit your parents anyway," She looped her arms around Woojin's, who guided her inside.

As soon as they stepped inside, Hyejin was approached by Lee Songi, Woojin's mother. "Hyejin-ah, how have you been?" She was quickly engulfed in a tight embrace.

"I've been good. How about you, Aunty?" Hyejin greeted the woman with a smile. "It's been so lonely without you, it's not been easy with just Woojin with me. You should visit often,"

Hyejin laughed at her statement and noticed the offended look on Woojin's face. "I'll try," The girl was dragged further into the house as she and Lee Songi engaged in a conversation.

The Lee Family adores Im Hyejin, seeing her as an excellent life partner for their son—with her kindness and genuine care for others, it was not hard to like the girl.

Ever since she was introduced to the family as their son's girlfriend, they immediately jumped to the next big thing: marriage. It was obvious to them, especially with how smitten the two are, and luckily for them, the Im Family practically treats Woojin as their son, while maintaining a respectable relationship with the Lee Family.

"Have you eaten already? I cooked your favorite dishes once I heard you were coming," The mother practically dragged her future daughter-in-law to their dining area where her husband was seated.

True to her words, Hyejin quickly noticed all the dishes on the table, her mouth watering at the sight.

"Come Hyejin, let's eat," Lee Hanjong ushered the girl to a chair as Hyejin sat with hesitancy while Woojin joined her, sitting beside her, before whispering in her direction, "It's better to eat now, I doubt we'll be able to have time to do so later," Hyejin nodded, somehow understanding his reasoning.

With Jung Jaeyi back in Korea, Yoon Hera planned a small gathering. The group of friends will be meeting at the racing track where Rian and Jaeyi hang out occasionally.

Hyejin knows that with the return of his girlfriend, Rian would be too busy to even notice the rest of them.

"So, Uncle, how's the campaign?" Hyejin turned to the powerful man. Lee Hanjong is an influential politician and is even running for presidency. As such, the man always maintains a respectable reputation and encourages his family the same. It's one of the reasons Lee Woojin is consistently cautious of his actions in public.

The politician smiled at her interest, "It's been going well, Woojin here has been such an exceptional helper,"

"When was I not?" Woojin joked around, eliciting laughter from his family and girlfriend. "You're just saying that because you want to impress Hyejin," His mother joined in, teasing their son in front of his girlfriend.

Placing a soft hand on his shoulder, Hyejin leaned closer to his face, "Don't worry, no matter what you do, you'll always be perfect in my eyes," Hyejin watched as her boyfriend grew flustered at her words, especially right in front of his parents.

The room was filled with laughter as they witnessed the boy blush from his girlfriend's sweet talk.

The lunch with the Lee Family was full of stories and jokes, sharing a few laughs here and there while catching up with their future daughter-in-law.

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