Chapter 2

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I was eating lunch with some friends the next day. Mikey and John were both suspended for 2 days. Once Mikey came back I noticed he had something on his mind. He finally asked me ''Did you & John ever like date?''
''No, we were just friends why?'' I started to get worried.
''It just seems like you guys had you know history''
''Mikey nothing happened with me & John, I had a crush on him but he ignored it.''
''Do you still have feelings for him?''
''To be honest Mikey, I don't even know.''
He didn't answer. The first school dance was the upcoming Friday & I was really hoping Mikey would ask me to go. The dance came around & Mikey was 'sick'. I ended up going to the dance with friends & happened to bump into Caitlyn (the school prep who hated my existence) at the wrong time. She spilled her cup of punch all over her gorgeous dress.''You little whore your gonna pay for this!'' I felt so bad but I ignored what she had to say. The next Monday, Mikey walked up to me he looked pissed but ohh how he looked soo hot when he was mad. ''Lauren!''
''You planned everything didn't you Huh you knew I was vine famous all along. I thought what we had was real but clearly we didn't it was all a big lie!''
''Mikey no you have it all wrong, I was going to tell you but I was just looking for the right time, I knew you wouldn't understand but I just wanted...''
He then stormed away. Caitlyn came around the corner ''I told you, you were going to pay.'' Mikey had been ignoring me for the past week & rumor had it he was dating this girl Sophia. Just to my luck John and I got closer. I felt really bad but I was just using John to catch Mikey's attention. John asked me out the following day, I agreed unless he would get rid of Alison or any other girl he was talking to (he's a huge flirt btw). Homecoming was three days away so me and John were planning to run for King and Queen. I wasn't so excited about the idea but I wanted to make him happy. We were having lunch together when Mikey texted ''hey, do you still have that necklace I gave you awhile back? Well can I have it back I want to give it to Sophia.'' I placed my hand over the necklace. I knew Mikey was making something up because the necklace wasn't more than 10 dollars and if she meant so much to him why not buy another necklace. I gave it back anyways and we awkwardly hugged goodbye but I couldn't let go I felt the need to stop right there and apologize for hurting Mikey in any way. Mikey forgave me, ''I'm sorry to, I may have over exaggerated a little bit.'' We went to go get ice cream at a small shop across from the lake and together we had a meaningful conversation. Days passed and I could no longer pretend to have feelings for John. Mikey invited me to his house since we had a project due for Careers (2nd period). I went over and felt guilty. I was still with John and here I am at another boys house. ''Look, I know you don't have feelings for him. Just break up with him already.'' Mikey grabbed my left hand. I picked up my phone and in the worst way I broke up with John over the phone. I used the typical excuse, its not you, its me. Mikey smiled and introduced me to his brother, Tommy. Tommy went out to leave me alone with Mikey.
''Could I borrow your charger? I have seven percent.'' I was trying to make things less awkward.
''Yeah. Its upstairs in my room, come on.'' I plugged my phone into an outfit and looked around. I picked up a Rubik's cube.
''You now I could never finish these.'' I twisted it around.
''Really? Not to brag but I'm kinda a pro, watch.'' I sat next to Mikey on his bed. Within minutes he finished. We both looked around awkwardly. Mikey placed his hand on my thigh. I looked at him. We both leaned in. Our lips touched. This wonder feeling went thru my body. The next thing I knew Mikey had me pinned against the wall kissing me about to lift up my shirt. I pushed Mikey back ''Hey I can't do this right now, I'm not ready.'' He looked embarrassed but apologized and continued to stick with the kissing. Mikey's phone rudely interrupted we ignored it but it kept to ringing. I sat down while Mikey answered it was Sophia. I was walking out of his room when he pulled me back ''heey I'm sorry, were just friends.'' He wanted to continue but the mood was gone. He bit down on his lower lip and looked into my eyes. This look turns me on. We went on kissing and some under the shirt action when Mikey's mom, Susanne walked in on us. She quickly closed the door and walked out. I started freaking out. Mikey left to go talk with his mom while I called my parents to pick me up. My mom was outside waiting, I tried to sneak out without Susanne seeing me. I made it out the door but she happened to be watering the grass. I turned red walking pass by her.
''It was nice meeting you!'' She waved as I sank into the passenger seat.

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