Chapter 18

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It's Been A While Since We Last Spoke

Chapter 18

Demi's POV

2 weeks later… (20th April)

"Why can't you talk about it to him?" Dallas asks.

She was nagging at me down the telephone to tell Nick about my experience in treatment.

"Because I'm not ready to!"

"What Demi, that doesn't make any sense. Don't you think it would actually be easier to tell him than to bottle it up? I mean sure, you're being more honest with him, but you're still not telling him everything. You need to take that leap, he's your best friend."

"Well yeah…and erm, he is also my er, well er,… my…"


I frown, "How did you know?"

I hear her snort. "Oh come on… you really think you could have got away with keeping it from me? i figured it out instantly."

"Damn it Dallas, why do you have to know me so well?"

"Because… I'm your big sis, and I'm supposed to protect you. But I guess it's Nick job now too. And if he doesn't protect you, I will shove my boot up his ass."

I can't help but chuckle at the idea. It would be a rather funny, but unpleasant sight.

"He'll look after me, and I'll look after him."

"Strangely, for the first time… I'm going to trust you on this one."

"Thanks for that."

"What? Do you really think I was going to trust any of the douchebags you've dated? Hell to the no. I didn't even trust Wilmer."

"Why have you changed with Nick? He could be a douchebag… I mean Joe is his brother."

Dallas chuckles, "Well… let's just say, Nick looks at you differently to the other guys. He doesn't look at you like a big stack of beef burgers."

"How does he look at me?"

"Like you're the most precious diamond he's ever seen… and he has to buy it."

"Oh shush, that's bull."

"Is it? Come on Dem, he's crazy about you."

"Yeah yeah so I've been told. And I think he's crazy for that."

"Well you would. You can't accept that someone actually has fallen for you."

"I know. I can't even accept myself falling for someone."

"Well, that's the first step to this relationship. Not being afraid to fall."

"What's after that?"

"Accept Nick falling for you."


Dallas chuckles, "Well…. making babies and getting married."

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"Well, don't you want that?"

"I don't know… it's too early in the relationship to decide."

"Oh come on! You've been friends with this guy for like what? 6 years? You know him too well to be reluctant about that."

"It's not that I don't trust Nick… I KNOW he'd be a good husband and father, but not me. I don't trust me."

"Well fucking trust yourself goddamnit! Stop being afraid and start being brave."

It's Been A Long Year; Since We Last SpokeWhere stories live. Discover now