Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Nick's POV

9am. It's a new morning, looking beautiful here in New York. I had a day off today, which kind of relieved me because I needed some alone time.

Maybe it wasn't exactly a good idea to be alone without Michael, considering I was thinking of ringing Demi every 2 minutes. But I had to fight the urge otherwise I would never let her go.

It has taken me a year to be able to stop calling her.

I've realised that what is the point in calling her when she was never going to pick up the phone?

I also realised that Demi had her phone taken away for a while when she went into treatment, because she was not allowed any contact except with her parents when she was in there. I guess it was for security reasons and the fact that I was someone from her past, which she needed to get away from.

But Demi didn't want to get rid of me.

Not until she came out.

She has not once tried to call me since she got out of treatment. I texted her when she did, but she never replied. I sent a few texts after that, but still no reply.

I even called her, but then I found out from a friend of ours that she got rid of that phone, so I could never call her again.

Until that is, Joe kindly offered me her number when she gave it to him via a text. But this really pissed me off because I thought that how could she not give me her number but give it to Joe.

But I realised it was because she could still talk to Joe without getting hurt anymore.

If she ever spoke to me, I know that she would not be able to move on. She needed to move on for the sake of her well being.

Us being together was forbidden because it caused too much emotion and chaos.

So I have actually been keeping my distance as much as possible until we do encounter, which is bound to happen eventually.

But I still couldn't resist the urge of calling her. I still wondered where she could be right now.

For all I knew, she could be walking down the streets of New York right now and I would never see her because it's far too big to find anyone.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't well known. Because then I could just go anywhere without anyone spotting me.

I could go find her.

I wish she wasn't famous either.

Not that I don't want people to see her talent...

I just wish we could have just been classed as people who no one knew except friends and family.

I hate all this fame bullshit, and I never wish to get sucked into all the hype and paparazzi and all that crap that makes people become pre-madonnas. I'm a regular guy, I will always be a regular guy.

Sure, I can play guitar and sing... but there's millions of people that can do that.

Music is all I have. I only got famous because I got lucky; someone heard my voice and they liked it. I got a record deal with Disney, or rather Hollywood Records.

But I wish I could have started differently.

Sometimes I wish I was just a regular musician who wasn't famous, signed to a much lower label that didn't control me half the time.

But I mustn't be ungrateful for what I have, because I have a lot to be thankful for.

A loving family and friends, a great place to live, plenty of health insurance and food to eat.

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