Chapter 12

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“Do you want to have sex with her?”


Did I hear what she just said?

Chapter 12

Nick’s POV

“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

My mind felt numb...

did she really ask that question?

I don’t how to respond to that.

I was quite frozen... that question repeating over & over.

“I said... do you want to have sex with her?”

There she said it again.

She really had meant to ask that question.

But how the hell do I answer that?

If I say no she won’t believe me because I’m a 19 year old guy and we love sex and all that blah, blah blah... but if I say yes will she not be happy with that?

I mean I don’t even know... I hadn’t really thought about it until now.

Sure, it was at the back of my head but I never expected to talk about it to anyone.

It’s my business isn’t it?

“Look you know what... I shouldn’t have asked that.”

“No no it’s okay... I just don’t really know how to answer that.”

Her eyebrows raised, obviously my response must have been slightly surprising.

“Really? Huh.”

“Sorry.... what did you want me to say?”

“Well to be honest I thought you might say no... but as a lie.”

I frown a little, “By that you mean you thought I would say no but I was thinking yes?”

She nods, “Yeah. I didn’t think you would tell me the truth.”

“I’m an honest guy Dallas, you can trust me.”

“Can I? Because I find it hard to be honest...”

“I know. But I’m not like Joe... I swear. He has no idea I met up with Demi.”

Her eyebrows rose again, “Wow. So you’re hiding your relationship from your family?”

“For now yes. Me and Demi are not even sure we’re together properly yet.”

“Mmm yeah she said that. She also said how happy you make her.”

“I plan to make her happy for as long as I can.”

“Well that’s good. But do think about my question... because you’re bound to one day.”

“If only Demi wants to.”

Dallas chuckles sarcastically, “Ha-ha oh she does... I know she does.”

I suddenly felt my face flush.

I must have looked like a tomato now.

Demi wanted to have sex with me?

Holy shit.

I presume my expression was pretty shocked... because well, holy shit.

Holy mother of god that is all good and pure.

My hormones were raging now...

I had to make sure my legs were crossed to hide how I was feeling.

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