Chapter 7: His Family

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Scarlet's POV
When we pull up I get out of the car and walk around the front of it, my eyes fixated on the ground. I can feel the heat in my cheeks, a small smile finding its way onto my face while I think about what just happened.

Elijah walks up to me, lifting my chin with two of his fingers. "Are you hungry?" He asks
"Not really" I respond
"When was the last time you ate?" His voice is soft and I can tell he's trying to make his voice seem less intimidating. "Breakfast?" I answer him
"You have to eat"
"No, I'll cook you something."

It's useless to argue with him he's just going to make something for me anyway. "Thank you" I mutter and in return he offers me a warm smile. He looks at me with so much warmth in his eyes and wraps an arm around my waist.

He leads me into the house guiding me to the kitchen. When we get into the kitchen I spot four people standing around the kitchen's island bench.

The first person I notice is Elijah's sister, Ava I think her name was. The next person I see is a man who looks a lot like Elijah, with the same black hair and blue eyes as Elijah and Ava. The next person is a woman with brown hair and blue eyes, she looks like she might be in her late 30s maybe. And finally the other man has black hair and brown eyes, he looks quite serious and probably in his early 40s.

I take a deep breath and keep my composure, not showing how I'm really feeling. On the inside I'm feeling sick and anxious but I can't show that. "What are you guys doing here?" Elijah asks
"Of course, you forgot" the younger guy roles his eyes.

"You were supposed to tell us about how your meeting went today. I'm guessing you got distracted" the older man states, looking me up and down. "Oh well, how about you introduce us to your friend" the woman says. "Oh, yeah. This is Scarlet, Scarlet this is my brother Levi" Levi offers a small wave. "My mum, Sophia"
"Hi Scarlet" she says with a wide smile.
"My dad, Alexander" his dad holds his hand out to shake and I return the gesture. "And you've met Ava"
"Yeah, sorry about the first time we met by the way" Ava chuckles.

"Scarlet is going to be staying with me for a while" Elijah explains. Well this is awkward.
"Oh, how come she's staying with you?" Ava asks
"It's not my business to tell" Elijah explains.
"I have an abusive boyfriend who I broke up with and Elijah won't let me stay in a hotel" I state.

Everyone in the room stiffens. Sophia and Alexander share a glance and the other three look at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" Elijah's mother asks
"I'm absolutely fine" I grin
"Are you sure?" his father asks
"Yep" I shrug.

Why the fuck is this making me so happy and giddy. Oh wait, that's right. My basted of an ex won't be alive for to long. The only fucking reason he's not already dead is because I have still been staying with him. I deserved everything he did, I could have easily killed him but I didn't. Oh well he doesn't deserve live and he will pay for everything he's ever done with his life. I guess he was my way of punishing myself for the awful things I did as an assassin.

"Okay, since nobody's going to ask I will. Why the fuck are you so happy about this?" Levi questions
"Because I know that my asshole of an ex won't be alive for to long" I state
"And how would you know that?" Elijah inquires
"I told you, I have connections" I say.

Elijah's parents look between each other again with worried expressions. "And who might these connections be?" His father asks
"I can't tell you who they are, all I can say is that they're assassins" I explain.

"How do you have these connections?" His mother asks
"Long story short as a kid me and three other girls got kidnapped. The guy who kidnapped us trained us to be assassins since we were about, five? Eventually we escaped, two of the girls went on to be assassins and me and the other didn't" I answer.

An awkward silence falls over the room until a timer goes off. "The roast beef" Elijah's mum yelps. She quickly grabs it out of the oven along with a tray of vegetables. "Levi when is your girlfriend going to get here?" She asks, Levi looks down at his phone then back up at his mother "she should be here soon" he says.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask, turning to face Elijah. "I'll show you" he offers
"You stay and help mum I'll take her. I need to properly apologise anyway" Ava insists. Elijah looks down at me, checking to see if I'm okay with that. "Thanks."

Walking out of the room I hear a car pull up, my guess is that it's Levi's girlfriend. The walk to the bathroom is quiet. The walk back is a different story. "Look, Scarlet. I'm sorry about what I said to you the other day, it was out of line. I don't know you and I shouldn't have been throwing around accusations. This doesn't mean that I trust you" she states.
"Thank you for the apology and I don't expect you to trust me. You don't know me, and in the business your family's in it makes it a hella lot harder to trust people" I reply.

Back in the kitchen I notice that there's an extra person in the room. Probably Levi's girlfriend. "Well look who's here. Scarlet, we were just talking about you" Levi teases.
"All good things I hope" I chuckle walking into the room. The new person in the room turns around to reveal Jess, one of my closest friends.

Jess has the same black hair and hazel eyes that I remember. She has a large cobra tattoo on her leg, a tiny wolf on her wrist and little flower vine things on her collar bone. The cobra signifies her assassin name, the wolf is a tattoo that all of my friends have. Well me her and the two others we escaped with. My wolf tattoo is hidden on my lower back rather than displayed for everyone to see after I got kidnapped. It was originally on my left shoulder but my kidnapper cut it off. The flowers I guess she thought were pretty. The flowers actually look really nice on her freckled skin.

"Oh shit, what did you tell her?" I caution
"What the hell did we tell you the last time something like this happened?" She points an angry finger at me. "We all told you that Felix was bad news, but you can't admit when you're wrong. My guess is you were going to try and handle it yourself. You can't keep doing this. You can ask for help when you need it."
"You know that's never going to happen" I chuckle
"I know" she sighs.

"How have you been?" Her mood changes, going from frustrated to happy in a matter of seconds. "Good, what about you?" I reply

Jess pulls me into a hug, patting me on the back as she moves away. "I've missed you, you bitch" she giggles.
"Fuck off, you're the one who moved away" we both crack up laughing.

Looking around at the people in the room just makes us laugh more. They look at us like we're idiots. I mean we are idiots but you get what I mean.

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