uh oh

624 17 1


505 words

trigger warnin: mentions of throwing up

taylor's pov:
i wake up bright and early to the obnoxious sound of birds outside. i go downstairs and make some breakfast for me and travis, eggs and waffles yum.

while where eating im checking some of the notifications on my phone and my period tracker app says i'm a little late, which wasn't that uncommon for me, i'm sometimes a little bit irregular and we've been pretty safe.

- the next day -
i wake up feeling extremely nauseous. "trav, i think im gonna puke." i say while rushing out of bed. he holds my hair out of my face so it doesn't get covered in chunky puke which was absolutely gross.

"thanks travis" i say as he helps me get back into the bed considering it was only around 5am, so we could sleep for a little while longer.

i wake up again around 10am, and decided to actually get up. i felt fine now, but the whole throwing up thing really threw me off.

travis had to leave for football practice as usual, so i decided to facetime selena for a little while, we haven't talked in a little so i thought it'd be nice to catch up.

"hey sel!"

"i miss you so much tay, so how are things going? i feel like we haven't talked in ages!"

"pretty good, i woke up sick this morning, but i seem fine now"

"that's odd, what type of sick?"

"i don't know, i just puked at like 5:30am and was fine since then"

"are you late by any chance?"

"what? to where?"

"no, not like that you idiot, is your period late?"

"why?...oh shit."


"fuck, i got a notification the other day saying i was a little late, shit. i can't handle a kid right now!"

"hey, hey. calm down, it was a just a thought, don't jump to conclusions yet. how late is it? just a few days or like weeks?"

"only like 3 days, but i'm irregular, so maybe it's just that..?"

"well have you travis been, you know.."

"well yeah, but we usually do it safely and i'm on the pill so!"

"what do you mean usually...?"

"well sometimes we don't use protection, but it only happened like twice and i didn't think id get pregnant from it?!"

"taylor, did you even try to pay attention during health class!? it doesn't work like that babe!"

"i know, but im on the pill...?"

"yeah but that's not always as effective. go take a test first, just in case."

"ugh fine, i'll call you back when it's done."

i hang up the phone and grab a test from a cabinet in the bathroom. i take it out of the box and pee on the stick and set it on the countertop.

i call back selena and try to calm myself down before flipping the test over...

lmk if yall want a part 2 to this!

leave any other suggestions here!

the alchemy • tayvis one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora