Trouble in Paradise

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Elena has a new status: at the beach with the lil bro

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Stefan: I'm at the mall yo

Damon: probably shopping for some new heels

Stefan: actually I'm shopping for Caroline's birthday

Caroline: oh thank you !!

Damon: ugh birthdays. I forgot mine

Stefan: me too actually

Bonnie: stupid

Stefan: thanks

Bonnie: (???)

Damon: I wanna go to the beach

Elena: you guys should all come

Stefan: okay!!!

Caroline: I'll get my stuff

Stefan: I bought Caroline's present so I'll be there in a few

Caroline: see you guys there

Bonnie: yeah

Jeremy: elena stop kicking me!

Elena: you stop kicking me!

Caroline: is something wrong?

Elena and Jeremy: SSSSH

Stefan: okay.....

Bonnie: I got donuts!!!


Elena and Jeremy: STAHP KICKING ME

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