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Kol has a new status: what is this Snapchat people keep talking about?

Klaus: I don't know, it's all so confusing

Elijah: yeah and what's Pinterest??

Rebekah: Is Twitter cool?

Caroline: You guys are so anti-social

Kol: excuse us

Damon: lol even I have a Twitter

Stefan: Instagram is lyfe #hashtag

Elena: Snapchat is kewler than kewl

Bonnie: oh yeah gotta check my Pinterest

Rebekah: what?

Klaus: teach us

Elijah: what is a dang dong hashtag

Caroline: dang dong?

Elijah: isn't that.....don't people......what wha.......???

Damon: is there a spell that teaches people to be cooler?

Bonnie: That won't help them

Elena: they're too unsocial

*the originals have logged off and joined social media*

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