♡ No Beak?!?! ♡

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Once the restaurant closed, T. Chica was the first to stir. She never really deactivated, instead pretended due to her excitement for tomorrow's performance.

"Mangle, Mangle, are you awake? Wake up!!!" T. Chica dashed to Kids Cove, unaware of the condition of Mangle's body.

"W...What? Oh, Chica... Hey, g-girl!!!" Mangle's speech was a struggle, her voice coming out heavily distorted. Her body appeared beyond repair.

"MANGLE? OH MY GOD!!!????" T. Chica rushed to her side, tears started to form in her eyes.

"Are you seriously getting emotional? It's not a big deal, Chi," Mangle said, rolling her eyes.

"LOOK AT YOU!!! You're not just a few scratches or tears or whatever; you're like completely unfixable. Why did no one even try to fix you??? Not even I can..." T. Chica trailed off, wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Would you shut the fuck up?" The Puppet out of nowhere rose from the music box, glaring at T. Chica.

T. Chica jumped back, "GO BACK TO SLEEP YOU STRING ATTACHED PURPLE TEARED LOOKING BITCH OH MY GOD NO ONE ASKED!!!" she shouted loudly in a fit of rage.

Her loud shouting woke up the rest of the animatronics, including the withereds in the backroom.

Embarrassed, T. Chica walked backwards nervously laughing, placing her hand behind her head and fell over over one of Mangle's wires, falling to the floor.

"OW!" T. Chica shrieked, oblivious to the fact that her beak had quite literally just actually fell off from her mouth.

Mangle gazed at her, blushing, "Whoa... You can do that?!"

"Do what?" T. Chica asked, tilting her head, still puzzled.

"You're beak came off you stupid bitch" BB butted in.

T. Chica felt around the lower part of her face, her eyes widening in shock, "UM, WHAT THE HELL?"

"Relax, it's not broken, it's detachable. I can reattach it for you," The Puppet clarified.

"I'd rather you didn't say that," Mangle told The Puppet.

"Excuse me?" The Puppet responded.

"Please, put it back on! I bet I look so ugly right now!" T. Chica pleaded.

"What days are you not ugly?" T. Bonnie muttered under his breath. T. Freddy let out a sigh hearing T. Bonnie.

T. Chica walked over to The Puppet's music box with the beak in her hand, throwing it at her.

"Don't you think I deserve an apology before I even try to fix it for you?" The Puppet smirked, barely holding back laughter.

"I'M. SO. SORRY. Can you fix it now?" T. Chica scowled.

"I guess I could," The Puppet responded.

T. Chica knelt to meet The Puppet at eye level, extending her arms to swiftly place it back on her face and adjusted it slightly.

"That was... easy? I could have done that myself!!" T. Chica crossed her arms and looked away.

"Yeah, you're welcome," The Puppet replied with a hint of sarcasm.

T. Bonnie walked over to the backstage half asleep still, he couldn't be arsed with anyone's shit today. T. Chica watched him leave and turned back to the others quieting her voice to make sure T. Freddy couldn't hear.

"So... about last night, do you wanna know what I saw?" T. Chica asked looking eager.

"Sure, why the hell not?" Mangle replied.

"Basically, when I went into one of the party rooms last night, I saw Bonnie and Freddy like being SUPER close to one another like, INTIMATE!!!" T. Chica explained.

"Bonnie looks gay as hell bruh I ain't surprised" BB said.

"We already knew of Freddy, but Bonnie as well? He's also gay?" Mangle appeared surprised.

"Oh, come on! Don't pretend it wasn't obvious; hes the definition of a twink," BB replied.

"Mangle, for once in his sad, little, miserable life, BB has a point," The Puppet added.

"Why, thank y- HEY!" BB interjected.

"So like, you think there dating or something? Like boyfriends???" T. Chica asked, she sat down on the floor near Mangle.

"Defo" Mangle replied laughing.

T. Freddy sat down on the stage looking over at the others very obviously gossiping, he couldn't tell what about it made him curious why they kept looking over at him.