♡ All The Gang! ♡

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An hour had passed, and everyone was scattered in different locations. T. Freddy and T. Bonnie were backstage doing... something, T. Chica was in the kitchen, Mangle had lost all hope, and The Puppet and BB were discussing the Withereds.

"Can I see them all now??? Just let them out!!!!" BB beggedThe Puppet.

"How many times must I repeat this... I am attached to my music box, dumbass! Just wait for one of the others to help you in reaching the door," The Puppet explained, looking at him wearily.

"Are you insulting my height!?" BB retorted, visibly annoyed.

"Duh, you ARE the shortest," the Puppet said, rolling her eyes and resting her head atop the open music box, appearing half-asleep.

BB entered the kitchen, arms crossed. T. Chica glanced at him, hand on hip, feeling suspicious.

"Need something?" she asked glaring.

"Yeah, actually, could you let those old withered ones out of the backroom, please?!?!?!" BB pleaded, giving her those stupid ass puppy eyes.

T. Chica's expression shifted to surprise; she had been totally convinced that no one wanted to see Bonnie again, let alone even wanna see the others.

"Of course, I thought you'd NEVER ASK!" she exclaimed, pulling BB out of the kitchen by his arm.

As they were heading to the room, BB couldn't help but feel eager to see T. Chica without her beak once more.

"Take off your beak again, I dare you!" BB asked with a mischievous grin.

"It didn't come off on purpose!!!! I tripped and it fell off, dummy! Besides, I look awful without it..." T. Chica responded.

"That's the point, you look creepy!" BB chuckled.

T. Chica bitch slapped him before reaching the parts and services room. She cautiously opened the door, which was once again unlocked, peeked her head inside, and smiled.

"GUYS, GUYS, COME ON OUT!!!!!" T. Chica leaped with excitement, urging all four of them.

Foxy was the first to stand up, he looked confused and he rubbed his eyes.

"Yar, what's happening?" he inquired.

BB stared at Foxy, admiring his appearance, particularly the hook for a hand and the eyepatch that covered his right eye. Foxy, noticing BB's intense gazing and was taken aback.

"Who is that?" Foxy questioned T. Chica, giving a look.

"Oh, that's just, um, BB, short for Balloon Boy! He's not that relevant," T. Chica said, giggling to herself.

"Hey, who the fuck do you think you are saying that, HUH?!" BB looked annoyed.

Foxy had to bend down to meet his gaze, rolling his eyes at the sight, while BB instantly became a huge fan.

The other three emerged and scanned their surroundings. Apart from Bonnie, it was their first glimpse of the new pizzeria they had been relocated to, and although it was smaller than the last, it still felt odd.

"It looks similar here, yet so different..." W. Chica remarked.

"You all should make yourselves at home because I'm pretty sure you'll be here for the rest of your lives!!!" T. Chica declared confidently.

"Unless the place gets shut down," BB mocked laughing.

"Keep your fucking mouth... SHUT!" T. Chica demanded before kicking his ass across the hallway.

She proceeded back to the main room with the Withereds, skipping with joy and excitement. She couldn't understand why she was so fascinated by the broken ones.

The Puppet fell asleep in her music box, the lid now closed. Mangle was chatting with the endo head now attached to her, while the other two sat on stage, T. Bonnie showing off his guitar skills.

"HEY GUYS, LOOK!!!" T. Chica shouted, eager to capture everyone's attention.

T. Bonnie let out an annoyed sigh as he turned to face W. Bonnie once more.

"What's going on-" The Puppet immediately rose from her music box. She froze, as she saw the four animatronics standing behind T. Chica, instantly recognizing them, as did the others.

"Is that you, Puppet...?" W. Freddy asked.

She gave a nod before turning away from them, she was in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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