Chapter 10

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Eddard Stark. Winterfell.

I, Solomon, Lady Kinvara, and the entire Stark family stood in the castle courtyard and looked out over the small arena where Robb and Jon were. They looked at each other, standing up and pointing their weapons towards their opponent, and their eyes burned with eagerness, and a slight smile was present on their faces as if to greet their eternal rival.

It would have been a normal sparring session, like any other day, if not for one important detail.

- Solomon, are you sure about this? - I asked with a troubled heart - Do they really need real swords for normal sparring?

- They could kill each other! Or become crippled! - Cat added furiously with her hands trembling with excitement, directing a strong glare at Solomon.

The children, on the other hand, just stared and said nothing. But I could feel their confidence in their brothers and... in Solomon. As if he couldn't be wrong at all. It's... depressing.

- I'm sure. And rest assured, Lady Stark, they will do neither. - Solomon said in a measured tone.

- How can you be so sure?! - Cat shrieked.

- They are brothers, even if you don't want to admit it," he answered, and she froze. And so am I - Jon and Robb will fight anything they can. Not to kill or maim, but to prove themselves to us, and to each other. It's a rivalry born of love for family. A desire to show how much they're willing to give of themselves to protect it.

- But... why do you need real swords? - I asked, still not understanding the reason for Solomon's decision.

- Ned, what do you think is the greatest sign of trust in another person? - He asked without turning his head.

The greatest sign of trust? The answer is obvious.

- Life," I answered confidently, "Both my own and my family's. But what...

Then I fell silent as realization flooded my mind. Understanding why Solomon had insisted on real swords. Both Jon and Robb trust each other enough to be willing to put their lives on the line by pointing an instrument of death at an enemy.

- And they know that neither of them wants to kill," Solomon finished, as if reading my thoughts, "They've grown up, Ned. They've chosen their path. And most importantly, both Robb and Jon realize that the paths they've chosen are different. Robb will be Lord of Winterfell and stay here, and Jon will leave it, like your brother Benjen. And the decision has already been made by both of them, which they honor.

With a movement of his head, he pointed to the arena.

- And this sparring is the final test. And also, a promise that wherever they are, they will help each other. Plus, I'll be able to heal their wounds with magic.

My body stiffened at Solomon's words, and my eyes widened. And Cat's gaze moved between him and the arena.

- B-but... They're only sixteen..." she muttered.

- 'Circumstances, Lady Stark,' he said and stroked the head of Arya standing beside him, 'Hard times are coming. Very hard times. For the Stark family and for everyone else. And it's better to be prepared than to regret it, isn't it?

What's he talking about?

- What do you mean? - Sansa asked cautiously.

- I... can see the future, within certain limits, of course. Events will change rapidly, and it's almost impossible to adjust to them.

- Then-" I tried to ask about that, but he interrupted me at once.

- I'm sorry, Ned. I can't share this.

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