Chapter 30

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Solomon. Braavos.

Positioned against one of the walls of the hall, our group split up slightly. Lina made a gesture with her hand, and the two priestesses who had come with us, seeing it, went away. At the same time, I decided to study a bit of what was going on.

The banquet was buffet style, which was quite unusual. Winterfell used a long corner table, which was typical of the current era, and had a special seating system. In it, the most important people were seated in the center, and the less important the person, the farther away they were seated.

I suppose it was because Braavos and the Free Cities had once been under Valyria's control, and the tradition of banquets had been passed down from there.

Looking around, I noticed that Lina and I had attracted everyone's attention. Some were staring openly at our duo and whispering with others, but most were just cautiously watching us with their side-eye.

For the most part, the center of their attention was me, not Lina. Her whole appearance was that of an obedient servant, ready to satisfy her master's every whim at a moment's notice. And she was the High Priestess of the Red Temple, which is common knowledge.

The guests also noticed the capes that she and the priestesses wore. And because of this, they had a certain apprehension and caution, which came down to the fact that no one approached us, as they were waiting for the others to move. They didn't know who I was, but Lina's capes and demeanor definitely told them that commoner I was not.

In all the pile of stares I received, only one stood out in particular. It belonged to an attractive woman with memorably bright green, emerald-like eyes. And in it I could clearly read only two emotions - desire and interest. And extremely strong.

I wondered what caused it. This was the first time we met, and I would definitely remember someone like her. Though, I could feel a tiny amount of magic in her body. So much so that John would have looked like a titan from the myths of ancient Greece compared to her.

On the same side where the woman was standing, Velano was walking toward us, accompanied by the familiar Matiris. And, judging by his face, he was, to some extent, pleased to see me.

- Greetings, Mistress Lina. You are still as refined and beautiful as ever since we last met. I wish that had never changed," he began, turning to her at once and pretending we hadn't met. A good move, I suppose.

The humility on Lina's face was quickly replaced by a teasing and amused smile. She gave Velano a demonstrative look from head to toe, and then giggled.

- For the Lord of Light's sake, the boy has grown into an attractive young man. Perhaps I should reconsider your offer, Mr. Velano. - Lina murmured, to which he sighed tiredly and shook his head, and Matiris smiled ironically.

- And you still like to remind me of my childhood mistakes.

- Why mistakes? You're not the first to wish the same thing, but you're the first to say it to my face.

Inwardly, I raised an eyebrow.

How interesting. They did have a history, and as I see it, it is known to everyone. None of the guests expressed the slightest bit of surprise at the way they were interacting.

- ...Let's skip this moment," Velano muttered, then turned to me, "Velano Antarion, eldest son and deputy to the current Sea Lord. Judging by the behavior of High Priestess Lina, you are someone of importance to the Red Temple. Who are you, my lord?

- Solomon. Just Solomon. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Velano," I said and bowed respectfully, "This is my first visit to such an event. And as for your question, you're right. In anticipation of your next question, it just happened.

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