8 ❦ playing dangerous

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It was almost day 3 almost 4 just surive through this night Lola. The pale moonlight hit my face, casting eerie shadows across the room. The darkness of the night seemed to envelop me as I was brought back to my room after helping my masked kidnapper with his holy documents. I hoped I had done well. I hoped he thought I had.

Boredom gnawed at me as I lay on my parents' bed, my hair splayed across the plush pillows. I had thrown off my pants, they were too thick and uncomfortable, making me feel overstimulated and restless.

I thought of all the things I could be doing right now, and frustration bubbled up inside me. I hated being bored. I didn't want to wander off again. Not like today. I felt so dumb and embarrassed. Despair filled me. I needed a knife, and I needed to stab myself with it, hard, just to forget about all of this.

My kidnapper, the devil himself. I couldn't get him out of my head. The warmth of his body at my side, the way our legs had touched, and those eyes, those tempting eyes.

A sudden knock on the door jolted me from my thoughts, fear bolting through my body. I sat up quickly, my heart racing.

The door creaked open, and there he was, the devil himself. My kidnapper stepped into the room, his tall presence filling the space with an intimidating aura. His eyes swept over the room before fixing on me, a dark expression clouding his features.

I instinctively pulled the sheets closer, trying to cover my naked legs, feeling exposed under his intense gaze. But It's not like he hasn't seen me before, that day where he drowned me, on all fours as my bare panties were out for him to see.

"Comfortable?" His voice was laced with a mocking edge, as if he already knew the answer.

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling exposed under his penetrating gaze. "Not particularly," I murmured, avoiding his eyes.

I look down, seeing a med kit in his hands. "Where's Allister?" I blurted out, my voice shaky.

His eyes narrowed. "Allister?"
"Doesn't matter where he is. Looks like you're stuck with me for now."

I swallowed hard, his words sinking in. The realization that I was alone with him, vulnerable and dependent on his mercy, sent a chill down my spine.

He took a step closer, his presence looming over me. He puts down the med kit on the night stand, opened it and puts down some stuff.

I eyed him warily, unsure of his intentions. "I thought Allister was supposed to—"

"Change of plans," he interrupted, his tone brooking no argument he looks at me with those cooling eyes, down to my flesh. "Now, let's see that leg."

Reluctantly, I shifted on the bed, exposing my injured leg to his scrutiny. I bit my lip nervously as he sat down on the edge beside me, his leathery gloves coming off with deliberate slowness. Those hands, fuck. They were revealed once more, just like last time.

He gently took my leg into his lap, the sheets that had covered me sliding away in the process. Feeling exposed, I pulled down my shirt a bit to conceal myself.

My god. His touch on my skin was surprisingly gentle and warm. He removed my bandages slowly, effortlessly. I stared down at him, that mask concealing his face. I wish I could pull it off. To see what's hiding underneath.

His head lifted, and his eyes locked onto mine. "You did well today,"

I felt myself melting under his gaze, the intensity of his eyes penetrating deep into my soul. In that moment, despite everything, a wave of desire washed over me. I yearned for him to take me right then and there, consequences be damned.

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