𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4 - 𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐘𝗼𝐮

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After Al haitham layed down the sofa thinking of Kaveh, he felt a few tears on his face, his chest heavy.

Whole tears was streaming silently down his face. The empty apartment felt cold and lifeless without Kaveh's presence. The silence was deafening, he desperately missed the sound of Kaveh's voice, even if it was just him being his usual talkative self.

He clutched at the fabric of the couch, his head spinning from a mix of alcohol and emotions. The apartment that once felt like home now felt like just a hollow shell.

Suddenly he felt a touch on his forehead, ruffling his hair.


Al haitham's eyes shot open at the touch. For a moment, he thought he'd imagined it, but then he felt it again.

"K-Kaveh..?" he whispered, his heart in his throat.

"What are you doing in the damn couch? I already cleaned it up"

It was Kaveh, Smiling at him ruffling Al Haithams hair.

Al haitham sat up suddenly, his mind racing. Was he hallucinating? Was it really Kaveh standing infront of him?

He looked at Kaveh, the familiar smile on his face and the sound of his voice filling the room.

"K-Kaveh.. you're.. you're really here?" he stammered, his voice filled with disbelief.

Al haitham's eyes opened, his heart sinking in disappointment as he realized it had all been a dream. He had hoped, just for a moment, that Kaveh was really there, standing in front of him, ruffling his hair with that familiar smile on his face.

But it had all been a figment of his imagination, a cruel game of his subconscious. The warmth he had felt in the dream turned to an icy realization that Kaveh was still far away, in Fontaine.

Al haitham felt a wave of frustration and anger wash over him. How could he have mistaken a dream for reality? He pounded his fist against the wall, the impact echoing throughout the empty apartment.

The once tidy apartment now resembled a mess. Pictures were off the walls, furniture was out of place, and various objects were scattered across the floor. Al haitham's pent-up emotions had exploded in a fit of rage.

Al haitham was filled with self-deprecating thoughts. He knew he wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with. He was blunt, stubborn, and struggled to express his emotions. But that had never stopped Kaveh from caring about him, even when he pushed him away.

"Why does he still care?" Al haitham muttered to himself, still surrounded by the chaotic aftermath of his outburst.

Meanwhile, Kaveh has just arrived at Fontaine.

"Ah the air here is so refreshing! The scent of water moisturizing the grass is so good"

Kaveh arrived at the destination, He left the aquabus and went ahead to the location of where the flier is.

Kaveh walked through the streets of Fontaine, admiring the beauty of the city. The scent of water and the sound of fountains filled the air, creating a pleasant ambiance.

He approached the location of the flier, his heart filled with a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. This was a fresh start for him, but he couldn't help but miss Sumeru and the person he left behind.

Kaveh thought of Tighnari, Cyno and his other friends.. And of course, Al haitham.

But he quickly sighed and knocked on the door of the architectural commission board.

Kaveh entered the building, the atmosphere was new to him, He went ahead and asked the accountant on her table.

"Hello, id like to sign up for the Architectural commission board"
Kaveh said.

The woman quickly grabbed a few papers for Kaveh to sign.

"Here are the requirements, Starting Bonus and the overall Mora gain"

Kaveh looked down at the papers handed to him by the accountant. The requirements seemed straightforward, and the starting bonus was higher than he expected.

He quickly skimmed through the overall Mora gain, his eyes widening at the figures. It was definitely a significant increase from his previous salary back in Sumeru.

Kaveh couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. This was truly a great opportunity for him to start fresh.

"Ah yes let me sign it right now"

Kaveh quickly read the terms and signed the papers.

"Great! For the Starting bonus you'll need to do a simple project and send it to us, we might upgrade your architecture rank higher if your designs are a hit"

Kaveh listened intently as the accountant explained the process for the Starting Bonus. It sounded simple enough, just one project to send in to showcase his skills.

The thought of potentially receiving a higher architecture rank if his designs were well received made him even more determined. He was known for his creative and innovative designs back in Sumeru, and it would be a shame if he couldn't put that talent to use here in Fontaine.

"Understood," Kaveh said with a nod, his excitement building up.

After all the signing and other things to do for the commission board, he emmediately got his first commission, it was a person from Sumeru and heard about Kavehs designs, so he inquired him.

Kaveh had just settled into his new dorm after a day filled with tasks and paperwork. He flopped onto his bed, feeling both exhausted and content.

He let out a sigh of satisfaction, reflecting on the events of the day. His excitement was evident as he spoke to himself.

"My day is starting off just great!"

He couldn't help but feeling a sense of accomplishment after securing his first commission. It was a good start to his new life in Fontaine.

Kaveh suddenly thought of al haitham.

"Guess I'll be alone now.."

Kaveh sat up, he took of his earings to get ready for bed, until he stared at them.

"These earings has always reminded me of his gorgeous eyes.."

Kaveh sat on the bed, holding one of his earrings in his hand. He studied the intricate details of the jewel for a moment, his mind drifting to thoughts of Al haitham. It was true, the earrings always reminded him of Al haitham's unusual yet captivating teal eyes.

He ran his thumb over the cool surface of the earring, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"I wonder how he's doing back in Sumeru..." he murmured to himself.

Kaveh couldn't help but curse softly under his breath. The thought of Al haitham and the memories they shared back in Sumeru suddenly hit him with a wave of nostalgia and loneliness.

"Damnit, I miss him already.." he muttered, his grip on the earring tightened slightly.

He missed Al haitham's deep, soothing voice and the subtle way he would show care for him. He missed their late-night conversations, and their playful banter.

Kaveh sat in silence for a moment, his thoughts swirling in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling of melancholy that had settled over him.

Then, unexpectedly, he chuckled softly. A thought had just popped into his head.

"I wonder if Al haitham's taken care of himself while I'm gone," he mused aloud.

He knew Al haitham wasn't the best at taking care of himself. He often stayed up late reading and would forget to eat unless Kaveh reminded him. Kaveh had always been the one to make sure Al haitham ate and took regular breaks from his work.

He couldn't help but worry a little, wondering if Al haitham had even cooked a decent meal since he left.

"Maybe..-" followed by a yawn "Maybe someday, i can tell him how i feel.."

Kaveh said as he drifted off to sleep

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐃𝗼𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 || 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐡 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐮Where stories live. Discover now