[174] CLINGY - JUNE 18 2024

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Jungkook and Jimin are in an arranged marriage but through the course of their 7 months of staying together, they fall in love.


Jimin is naturally clingy and he doesn't hesitate to show his love through physical touches - be it soft pecks on the cheeks, warm hugs or even daring to go as far as to sit on Jungkook's lap in his office one day when the man didn't pay him attention.

Jimin still laughs when he remembers Jungkook's flushed face at his boldness.


Jungkook on the other hand is very reserved and though he cared for his husband, his actions were cold because Jungkook didn't know how to express himself. But he didn't have to worry too much because Jimin made up for his shy nature and did things that Jungkook wanted - that is to be close to his tiny husband


Today, Jungkook's close friend Taehyung had come to visit them and the two had gone to Jungkook's game room to play. Jimin decided to treat the men and had readied the tray but on reaching the door, he hears something that broke his heart

"Fck man! I don't like it at all! The way he is so clingy... he even jumped onto my lap ..... kissed me with his tongue.. eww! Disgusting! And I can't even push him away! Yah! Don't laugh!"

Jimin walks away not able to bear what he just heard

Am I really that clingy? But I'm sure he liked that about me. About the lap thing... Jimin sighs ....he did look uncomfortable but only for a moment but I am sure that's because he got a boner at work after I french kissed him... Jimin sighs ....aah I don't know... maybe I should give him some space


From that day on, Jimin stopped being clingy or giving the man cuddles and soft pecks

Jungkook frowns watching his tiny husband be silent and only giving him fake smiles. This was not the Jimin he knew and he couldn't take it anymore. Its been 2 days - from the yesterday evening when Taehyung came to next day evening


"Jiminah.... is something bothering you? I gave you a whole day thinking you had something on your mind which you would eventually share with me... but I can't wait anymore... did I do something? Did I hurt you?"

"Why do you care?" Jimin asks bluntly

Jungkook frowns "What do you mean by why do I care? You are my husband...of course I care.."

"You don't have to force yourself to be responsible for me"

"What?!" Jungkook is so frustrated "...where is all this coming from? Till yesterday there wasn't an issue... what happened? Is it because of the mochi? I told you I ate your last mochi by accident and I already replaced it"

"Seriously?!" Jimin frowns

"Then what is it?!" Jungkook frowns too

"I am just giving you space like you wanted okay"

"Space? I want space? Since when? From you? Never!" Jungkook is so confused "...I never said that! I don't want space! I want more of you! I love you!"

Jimin is confused now. Jungkook looked really sincere

"But you said yesterday to Taehyung that you didn't like me being clingy"

"What?! I never did!" Jungkook's eyes widen

Jimin's eyes water "You said you were disgusted that I sat on your lap and kissed you"

Jungkook's frown turns into shock before he chuckles

"Idiot!" Jungkook says wiping the tears that rolled down Jimin's cheek

"I was talking about Suga... Yoongi's pet cat..." Jimin looks confused " ..Yoongi, my boss..."

"You are lying" Jimin sniffles

"Okay then talk to Taehyung then..."

Jungkook calls Taehyung and puts him on speaker

"Hey bro! Whats up?!"

"Hey Tae... do you remember what I talked about yesterday about someone being clingy and me finding it disgusting?"

Taehyung laughs "Yea yea... poor you... but I bet if it was a dog you wouldn't mind... you hate cats ....but wait, why are you calling me about that? Are you really reconsidering catnapping your boss's cat?"

Jimin gasps and Jungkook chuckles

"I gotta go... I think someone here needs my attention"

"Who?" Taehyung is confused

"My tiny princess"

"Oh Jimin? Aww but isn't he your tiny lovely sexy cutie queen too that you can't get enough.." Taehyung teases

Jimin blushes when Jungkook cuts the call. Jungkook had made the boy sit on his lap as he talked to Taehyung

"Now do you believe me?"

Jimin nods looking down

"How can you even think I was talking about you?"

"But then why were you avoiding me for 2 weeks?" Jimin pouts

Jungkook sighs "I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to make you feel ignored.... I was just stressed about meeting my deadlines... I didn't think I was avoiding you... but more preoccupied with work... I'm sorry I will try not to do that again...." Jungkook says kissing Jimin's forehead

"I love you baby... I'm sorry I don't say it enough and show it enough..." Jungkook says a bit regretful as he cups Jimin's left cheek "...please don't hold back on anything and just ask me... let's communicate more...hmm"

"I love you too Jungkook" Jimin says smiling "...let's work on this marriage together"

The end

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