Chapter 4.

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When I get home all of my siblings including Ellington are all in the living room talking about something which I assume is about the band. I sigh and walk over and plop down on the couch next to my younger brother Ryland.

I can't imagine how he's feeling right now because right before this whole thing happened his girlfriend Savannah broke up with him and he's been upset ever since then, I feel bad for him he loved her a lot and they were together for a very long time, I guess things just weren't working out.

"Ross" Riker snaps me out of my thoughts "What do you think?" He questions and I shrug I don't even know what he asked me.

He groans "So are we quitting the band or not!" He yells which surprises me, well surprises us all, he never yells at us. Yeah sometimes when we're late but this was different this time.

Rydel runs off upstairs crying with Ellington running after her and Riker shakes his head "We should do at least do a few more shows" Rocky speaks up

"Look at us" I speak up "We can't do it I know we can't we're broken what makes you think we can go out in front of a crowd and perform,I mean why try if we're just gonna disappoint our fans if they see us this way and we fail?!" I say

It's quiet and nobody says anything "Well that's it we're done with the band then" Riker says and throws his phone on the table walking away. I look over at Rocky and Ryland and their silent staring at the ground.

I hate this, I hate this so fucking much why does it have to be like this?!?


I don't know where I'm going exactly I'm just going wherever my feet take me, it's getting dark and I have no idea where I am. I know I should probably head back but why should I if its gonna be like that all the time?! It just makes me feel worse.

Everyday I wake up and wonder if it's even worth living anymore I mean it's all my fault their dead and now I have nothing, sure I have my siblings and my best friend Lydia but all I'm doing is bringing them down more.

My phone rings and I pull my phone out and I see the caller I.D. before answering it, 'Lydia' flashes on the screen but I don't bother answering it. I swipe decline and I put my phone back into my pocket, I know I shouldn't ignore her because she's been with me all this time but I'm not turning back yet.



I was grateful I had a boyfriend like Ellington he was always there for me and I loved him for that, "We should go back downstairs to see what they decided" Ellington whispers and I nod and get up from the bed.

I wipe my eyes from crying and follow Ellington "So what did we decide?" He asks and I sit down next to my younger brother Ryland.

"We're done" Rocky says "And Ross is gone" My eyes widen

"What do you mean?!?" I question

"We can't get a hold of him I tried calling him a few times just to see if he would answer but he won't answer" Rocky explains

My heart drops "Maybe he's with Lydia?!" Ellington says and I nod

"Maybe" Rocky shrugs "Let's call her" he pulls out his phone and dials her number. After about a few seconds he's talking to her, he frowns a bit and then I see him hang up the phone. "What'd she say?" I question

"She said he hasn't been answering her either, I'm worried something might've happened to him he's not like this just to leave and not answer our calls" Rocky answers

I start to panic, I can't lose my little brother too

"Maybe we should go look for him" I suggest but Riker shakes his head

"We should at least wait a while and if he doesn't show up we'll go, I'm worried too but I'm sure he's fine too he probably just went to go for a walk and clear out his head" Riker explains and everyone nods



I knew the Lynches were worried about Ross and this is the last thing they need is for him to disappear, they love him a lot and it would really hurt them if something were to happen to him. I knew he couldn't be far anyways.

I grab a jacket and my phone and then head out the door, I follow the sidewalk towards the park where Ross and I first met, we've had so many good memories there and that's where he has to be that's the place were both of us go when were upset.

It was getting cold outside and it's really cloudy so I know it's going to rain soon so I'm really hoping for him to be there because if he's not then I'll have to head back, but sure enough I see the blonde sitting on a bench with his knees up to his chest.

"You know your siblings are worried about you, right?" I take a seat down next to him

"H-How did you find me?" He looks at me and I smile

"I've known you for like ever Ross, I know a lot about you and you know this place is special to us that's why we both come here when we're down" I tell him and that's when I feel a drop on my nose, I look up and it starts to rain.

"You should go, your gonna get sick" he says and looks down

I frown "You should probably get home Ross, they're really worried about you they think something must've happened to you"

He shakes his head "You don't get it Lydia, I don't want to go back there. Yes I do love them but if it weren't for me this wouldn't of ever happened in the first place and they all know that, you know that we're all broken we're gonna end up going our separate ways soon anyways I can't deal with this anymore I feel like I'm just hurting everyone" he says

I want his pain to stop I really do, but I don't know what to do or what to say I feel like I'm going to say the wrong thing to him. "You know your hurting them even more by doing this Ross, I know it's hard but you'll get over this soon. Yes your gonna think everything is your fault that's how I felt at first but please Ross I love you and I hate seeing you like this it hurts me seeing my best friend like this"

He's quiet for a moment "Well if it hurts you so much maybe you should go then, if your looking for that 'happy' Ross you aren't going to find him anytime soon instead you'll find a broken fucked up Ross you don't know how much pain I feel right now so don't fucking sit here and tell me that everything will be okay when it's not!" He snaps at me

I know he's upset so I try not to let it bother me that much, it's raining hard now so I'm sitting here soaked, I know Ross doesn't want me here and I can't change his mind about anything so I get up and go over to and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking back home "Bye, remember what I told you and I'll always be here no matter what for you" I tell him and he doesn't say anything he just sits there without even looking at me and I frown before turning back.

Hopefully he'll go through with this, he's strong and I know he will.



Woah I'm so sorry for not updating in ages wow it's been so long.

I'll try and update more often because I'm already on my break so that means there will be quicker updates:)

So what did you think of this? poor ross:(

3+ comments and I'll update!


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