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A/N: One-Sided (Death the Kid x Reader) - Chapter 17: Lest The Dead Be Forsaken


"Absolutely not. We can't let any of you go."

Ten hundred years.

That's how long Akali's been alive, and she's been on Death's hit list for nine of them.

"W-What!? Why not!?" Your temper was starting to rise. "He's your son! Don't you want to get him back?"

You've been at this for ten minutes. Things weren't going to get any better.

"Let the DWMA handle this. As for you, I expect you to carry on as normal." Death had taken his voice down several levels, to the point were it was gruff and frightening. "Am I clear?"

Clenching your fist into a ball, and releasing it, you turned on your heel, and left the Death room; the words "I understand" left unsaid - and untrue.


"Are you crazy!?" Soul grabbed onto your shoulders, "You heard what Lord Death said! Akali, and the rest of Akui are too strong, so let him handle it!"

They all stood before you, eyeing you incredulously. "Why do you want to do this!?" and, like Soul had previously said, "Are you crazy!?" tumbled out of their mouths, all at once.

"It's my fault that someone, someone that I care about, is missing, okay!? And, because of that, I don't think I could ever live with myself if I don't do something." Yanking Soul's hands of your shoulders, you turned toward the direction of the doors.

You were going back to Akui, and you were going to play Akali's game, in order to get Kid back his freedom - even if it meant losing yours. "I'll do it with, or without you guys."

The group looked at each other for confirmation, then ran to catch up with you. "You won't do this alone."


"Don't be scared."

"W-Who says I'm scared."

"It's practically smeared on your face with paint."

"Shut your damned mouth."

You remembered how hard, and long it took to run from Akui, so the others suggested to drive. Your state of mind was sound, thinking you were going to be in the back seat of a minivan.

But, there were seven of you, and only five seats. This meant someone had to hop onto that dreaded motorcycle with Soul.

You were somehow voted out of the car, the excuse being, "Since you're the only one who actually knows where Akui is, you'll need to be the one to have full visual on things."

Damn that Maka.

"Would you get on, already?" Soul's words would usually have a growl to them, but they didn't. He said it with a small smile as well.

You took getting onto the bike slowly, for you had never been on one before.

Taking a deep breath in, then slumping over a little once you let it out, you let Soul know he could start going.

"Was that so hard?" He teased.

"Shut up, and get moving! Idiot." You words didn't have their usual spite they would, in a situation like this. Nor did the atmosphere, considering the whole reason you're doing this.

When he started moving, you had to wrap you arms around Soul's midsection to keep balanced. Soul flushed slightly, feeling your chest on his back. He wanted to say something, but he knew that, deep down, he was enjoying it.

Fix You, Love You, Fight For You (Death The Kid x Reader x Soul)Where stories live. Discover now