Chapter 2: Sinister

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And more shaking.

Now a voice, "Wake up, you two! Come on, get up!"

Opening your eyes, you quickly close them when the sudden brightness of the room attacks your eyes.

Shifting a little, you realize that someone had you wrapped in their embrace. Bracing yourself for the light, you open your eyes once again to see Soul's hands hugging your midsection, and Tsubaki standing over the both of you.

"Up, I see." She smiles lightly at you before heading to the direction of the door. "I'll leave you to wake Soul. Once you're done, come meet up with the rest of us down at the hotel's Cafe."

Humming out a response, you wait until Tsubaki's out of the room, before resting your head against Soul's chest.

The movement caused him to stir. When his grip loosened, you pried his arms off you, and got up from in between his legs.

"What time is it?" He mumbled out, voice a lot deeper than normal from sleep. You flushed at this thought.

In attempts to hide the hue on your cheeks, you turned your body towards the clock a little more than necessary. "It's ten-thirty. Tsubaki wants us downstairs for breakfast." You muttered.


Using your memory, you guided the gang in the opposite direction of where you ran that night.

Meisters in tip-top condition, Weapons transformed and ready to resonate - you were all ready to face Akali, her witch friends and minions, in order to get Kid back. This was what you disobeyed strict and direct orders for, and you weren't going to lose this battle.

When you finally reached the facility, there was still that same hole Erik had made, demolished bricks, and bloody prints - but no people. You couldn't even sense anybody with your soul-perception.

The place was barren.

"Dammit!" You fell to your knees. Of course the witch was one step ahead of you. "She just up and left this place!"

Of course she wouldn't make this that easy!

"She moved an entire organization to God only knows where!"

The sound of clapping erupted in front of you. And there lie another one of your friends, Noah, and a holographic Akali rising from his hand.

"I'm sure it must be tugging at some heart strings for you to be here. I mean, this is where you grew up, and watched your friends die protecting you. Well, at least you get to see your friend back in his home again, instead of out somewhere with his head in the dirt - and his body over somewhere else.

Now, what I really wanted to tell you was that Akui moved away. You'll have to come and find us, before Thalia, and Noah run out of time."

Akali was gone from sight once again, corpse disappearing with her.

Another mouse had just join the game.

Now more than ever, you were going to lay down all the cards to get them back.

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