Chapter 1: My Soul And My Heart

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"How are you feeling?" His voice was soft, feeling as if he spoke to loudly, your more calm state would shatter.

You sighed, "I-I really don't know how I feel."

You and Soul were huddled together on a dark-colored kompact loveseat in a hotel - you seated in the space between his legs, your head rested on his chest, his nestled on top of yours.

Soul kept quiet. Tonight was a rough one, so he only wanted you to relax for now. The warmth he gave off helped to put you to sleep.

And, soon enough, you were.

Before Soul would leave to his own room to report back to the others, he decided he'd get a few things off of his chest.

Sighing as he spoke the first few words, Soul let everything slip out naturally.

"It really isn't cool, what you're doing to me. Making me blush, weak at the knees, blush.. Making me feel all in love.

You're pretty unfair too.. Because I know I think Kid is cool and all, but I, more than anyone, didn't want you setting foot towards Akui and that witch-bitch. And honestly, I didn't know why, 'cause Kid's a good friend of mine.

Call me dense, but it wasn't until now that I realized that I was in love with you, (First Name) - or, at least, this in love with you. I found myself noticing the little things when you first came to me about learning how to play the piano. For someone whose never heard music before, you have good taste in genres, and songs.

Being able to be alone with you every time we had a session, help me get a better look at your personality. And, for someone whose experience more pain than I could ever know, you were so cheerful.

I want to be the one that keeps you smiling like that. And when things started to go wrong, and when you wanted to go after Akali, I kinda knew that things would go wrong, and it scared me.

Maybe I was scared because you mean more to me than anything else in the world. Lately, you've been everything I could think about."

He sighed again, "Man, what I'm about to say could make me the most uncool person on the planet, so bear with me."

"I'm kinda hoping that you'll be able to call me your Soul, because you've already taken my heart. I wanna have yours too."

Soul didn't even notice when it had started, but he, too, was basking in your warmth. His eyelids felt like that had chandeliers attached to them - he was getting sleepy.

Maybe the others could wait a bit.

He wanted to stay with you, just like this, for a little longer.

Fix You, Love You, Fight For You (Death The Kid x Reader x Soul)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum