Chapter 3: This is Beyond Us

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You closed your eyes and took a few deep breathes of the hot air around you.

Everyone was quiet, the sounds of crows flying overhead and animals skittering around filling the silence.  You knew they were waiting for you to do something.  This was your mission.

". . .There's nothing here for us."  You turned to face the rest of them, looking each one in the eye as you spoke, "let's just head over to the next city and come up with a new plan there."

Again, they were quiet.  No words uttered among them.  You felt as though the silence would kill you.  But you really couldn't think of what they could say to calm you.

You all got into your respective seats and drove off.

The sound of wind passing by you seemed to relax you a bit, but you still needed something more.  You wrapped you arms tighter around Soul, taking comfort in him.

After a bit of driving, Soul felt it was appropriate to ask you now how you were feeling.  He briefly turned his head to glace at you, before speaking.

"You okay?"

It was a vague question, but you knew he was asking you about what had happened at Akui.  And at the gas station. How were you dealing with these traumatic events?

He felt your chest contract and expand in a sigh against his back.  He, again, glanced at you and saw the worn out expression on your face.

"I. . . I feel like I don't know what I'm doing."  He stayed silent and you took it as an opportunity to speak again.  "She's twisted and maniacal and making everything so. . . I don't know what to call it."

"Then what do you want to do about it?  What are you going to do to get them back?"

"Whatever it takes. ."  You closed your eyes in thought for a moment.  "I think it's time we called Death."


"Are you sure about this?"

"It's the only thing we can do, Maka.  We're in over our heads."

Breathing onto the large window in the hotel room, you wrote in the numbers to summon the reaper.  When he answered, you were greeted by Death and the angry face of his weapon.

"You were ordered not to go."

"And I chose to ignore that order."  You spoke back in defiance.  "You may know how powerful she truly is, but I know what she does to people in there.  If you want your son to still have a mind of his own, then we don't have a second to waste."

When they didn't respond, you spoke again, taking on a more pleading tone.  "Please.  We're here now and there's more lives at stake here than just Kid.  Tell us how to find her."

Death and Spirit's resolve both seemed to crack at your plea.  Spirit stepped forward.

"You need to use your Soul Perception,"

"We already tried that.  She's got Soul Protect on herself and Kid."

"I wasn't finished speaking."  He said, irritatedly.  "Instead of looking for Akali, you need to look for a witch nearby you.  She's a former Akui member and her powers aren't as they used to be.  Even if she's got Soul Protect, you should be able to find her if you resonate your souls together."

"Why would she want to help us?"

"She was kicked out and majority of her magical power was stripped from her."

You were all taken aback.  "Akali took her powers!?  Is that even possible!?"

"It shouldn't be and that's what makes this mission so dangerous."  Death finally spoke.  "You all need to watch out for each other and have each other's backs.  If you fail, you'll be dead."

And with that, the call ended.



Yesterday, I read a really sweet and endearing comment from @StuckOnHomestruck that inspired me to start writing on here again.  Thanks to them, this account is no longer inactive and this series is no longer discontinued.  Hopefully, some of you are still here to read my work once again.  If you are, thank you for waiting this long.

Also, I've started a new book on my account called Secrets that I would really appreciate if you boosted.  I'm going to start posting for both books regularly again, and I may continue my Soul Eater x Reader.  I'm not too sure about that one yet.  I'll let you know if I do.

Until then, thanks for reading.

(again, 2015, sorry)

Fix You, Love You, Fight For You (Death The Kid x Reader x Soul)Where stories live. Discover now