The Birthday

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Back in ponnyville pokey was planning the party he went to all the stores. The flower store asking for pink daisy's. He went to the store bought all types of pink balloons he even got a balloon that looked like pinky pie. He went to the Cakes shop and ordered all types of suger and cakes and last but not least the ring store. He bought a pink gold ring in was shiny with one big pink diamond in the middle it read I love you across it. He toke the ring to the house and wrapped it in candy wrapper." She will unravel it and be so happy" pokey said smiling. He layed back that night on the bed knowing that everything will be ok for the birthday. He smiled as he slept.
The nest day he woke up it was Monday he grabbed the card the twins gave him and he called them he talked to them about the dance and he wanted them to do a act."Thanks and they ended the conversation he hung up".
Back in the cyrstal empire they were going to the train station and ready to go to canterlot. *whoowhoo*the train blew. They all got on and set to canterlot. They arrived and went into the castle. "Shining" cadence said and ran to kiss shining armor " hello my love" shining armor said. Then twilight saw flash sentry and they ran to each other but before flash could reach twilight. Shining said "sentry" and he froze and went to guard position and turned around to see shining glaring at him. "Just kidding" shinning said and twilight rolled her eyes and looked at flash. They kisses and hugged "I missed you" flash said "missed you too" twilight   said.
Fluttershy said "I miss thunderlane I'm going to go visit" and fluttershy flew to cloudsdale. Rainbow dash said she was going to go check out the library and applejack said she was going go to applelosa to check something out with braeburn. Everyone went their seperate ways and all was left was pinky pie and twilight. Three days went by fast and it was Thursday pinky and twilight  were on the way back to ponyville everyone that saw pinky in canterlot and at the castle said happy birthday. Twilight and pinky got on the train and we're on there way
Meanwhile in ponyville pokey had streamers everywhere he had balloons and more everywhere it was amazing everyone was out talking and eating the food already. Pokey got the ring wrapped in candy plastic and the twins were with him then he saw her pinky he smiled and hid. The twins smiled and ran to her they yelled happy birthday and began sing and chanting "today is your day" and dj pon 3 played something upbeat and technic  to go along and the twins danced. After the dance and song the twins flew and picked up a pink box. Inside pinkys head she was saying where's pokey and what's in the box. Then the box opened out came pokey he gave her the candy. Pinky said *oooooo* and opened it and she gasped when she saw the beautiful ring "will you marry me pinkie diane pie" pokey said. "Yesssss" pinky screamed they hugged and kissed. The whole crowd cheered her pinkys friends smiled at her rainbow dash yelled "Go pinky". Then it was time for a dance pokey and pinky got on the dance floor. Thunderlane and fluttershy ,applejack and caramel danced twilight and flash ,shinning and cadence, rainbow dash and soarin, and fancy pants asked rarity she squealed and ran dragging him on the floor with her.The party was over and everyone was going home and pokey and pinky were happy when they got in the house and pinky said "Best birthday ever thank you pokey" pokey responded " ofcourse I love you pinky" they kissed and went to sleep.

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