« 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 »

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“Is everything okay?”

Seungmin tilted his head softly
in confusion when his boyfriend
smiled at him with this mysterious
sparke in his eyes but said nothing.

Everything had been normal,
the puppy-like boy had come
home from his shift at the hospital,
he had received his welcome home
kiss from Hyunjin before he had
changed into comfortable clothes
in their bedroom.

But now he had sat down beside
his loved one and the older male
was looking at him in a way
Seungmin had never
experienced it before.

“What's wrong?
Do I have something on my face?”

But Hyunjin only chuckled softly
as he shook his head and placed
his hand over the younger's when
Seungmin touched his face.

His eyes met his boyfriend's
confused puppy eyes but when
Hyunjin ran his thumb ever so
gently over the skin of the boy's
soft cheek, he leaned into the
warm touch with closed eyes.

“I love you so much,
you know that, right?”

“You're scaring me, Jinnie.
What's going on?”

The younger's eyes had
immediately shot open at his
loved one's words, the worry and
confusion now back in his eyes.

“I have some news, pup.
And I'm honestly not sure how..
How to tell you.”

“Are they good news?”

“I.. I think so, yeah.”

“Then just tell me.
It's just me, right?”

Seungmin gave his boyfriend the
most reassuring smile he could
make at the moment but Hyunjin
knew him too well not to notice
the younger's insecurity.

“Yeah. I'm just gonna say it..

I'm pregnant.”

What followed was silence,
unbearably long silence.

The puppy-like boy stared at
his boyfriend with wide eyes and
almost no impression but just
when Hyunjin was about to start
apologizing, eyes already glistening
with unshed tears, a soft smile
appeared on Seungmin's face.

“I wouldn't have guessed
it'd work this fast, huh?”

“You topping can make
miracles happen, pup.”

Hyunjin chuckled as he cupped
his loved one's face, allowing his
tears to fall now that Seungmin
teared up too.

But the boy with grape-colored
hair didn't reply anything to that
and only gave Hyunjin the cutest
smile before he connected their
lips into a sweet kiss.

“So baby's a miracle?”

“Yeah, our little miracle, hm?”

The older male grabbed his
boyfriend's hands to guide them
under his hoodie so he could place
them on his tummy, the home
to their little miracle.

“Should we make a doctor's
appointment just to make
sure everything is okay?
You've taken more than one test,

“Yeah, one in the office after
baby decided that they're not a
fan of spring rolls and then three
more here at home. I had to make
sure it wasn't just a damaged test
and an accidentally wrong result.
But I just knew somehow
that it wasn't..”

“Father's instinct, huh?”

But yeah, I'd like to go to
the doctor's as soon as possible.
We need to make sure our
little miracle is okay.
And who knows, maybe they're
actually two miracles.”

“Oh my gosh, I haven't even-”


Hyunjin chuckled when his
boyfriend already began to
overthink again and caressed
his hands softly that were still
resting on his bare tummy.

“I'm joking.
It's very unlikely, hm?”

“But there's a possibility.”

“Even so, we're going to be fine.
And my father's instinct tells me
that it's only one baby, pup.”

The ravenette pressed a soft kiss
on the younger's forehead before
he pulled Seungmin with him to
lay on the couch, making sure his
boyfriend wasn't unintentionally
putting pressure on his tummy.

“We're really going to be parents.”

“Has Minho asked you anything
since you felt sick in the office?”

“He was worried but I didn't tell
him anything. I wanted you to be
the first one to know, he's my
friend but it's none of his business.”

“Okay. Are you feeling
okay now though?”

Seungmin looked up at his loved
one with a pout on his puppy face
and nuzzled Hyunjin's palm when
the ravenette cupped his face.

“I am.
I'm the happiest I have ever been,
Minnie. But now that you mention it..
I'm craving something sweet.”

“Something sweet, huh?
Little miracle's taking after you, huh?”

“Maybe.. But seriously,
some chocolate would be
awfully great right now.”

“I don't think I should support
you when it comes to eating
unhealthy food but I can't say
no to that face, can I?”

Seungmin giggled when Hyunjin
gave him the best puppy eyes he
could manage to do and leaned in
to place another soft kiss on
the older's lips.

“That was the right answer,
my lovely pup.
I love you so much, Minnie.”

“I love you more, Jinnie.
You and our little miracle.”

Baby pup 🥺🩷

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now