« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 »

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“Alright, nugget.
Behave, okay?
Listen to what uncle Channie
says and if you need anything,
ask him, okay?
Mommy loves you.”

Felix smiled at his daughter
and pressed a soft kiss on her
forehead as he caressed her
chubby, freckled cheeks.

And tiny Heejin only giggled
cutely and returned the kiss,
placing a wet kiss with a cute
mwah’ on her mommy's cheek.

“We'll pick you up in the evening.
Say bye to Yumi and Sunnie, hm?”

Felix walked a step closer to his
fiancé who had their sleeping twins
in his arms so their daughter
could lean over to kiss her
siblings’ heads gently.

It was the day of their twins’
two months checkup at the hospital
and tiny Heejin couldn't be more
excited because it meant staying over
at her favorite uncle Channie's home.

“Bye, nugget.”

Changbin chuckled and also pressed
a soft kiss on his daughter's head
before Chan took her from Felix,
his smile widening similar to
Heejin's who immediately
snuggled her face in her
uncle's buff chest.

“I see, the goodbye isn't hard
at all as always.”

“What can I say?
We're obsessed with each other,
aren't we? You're just too cute,
it's not good for uncle
Channie's heart.”

The oldest male smiled as he
pressed a kiss on the little girl's
head, earning a muffled,
happy squeal.

“Alright, we'll text you when
we're on our way back from
the doctor's. See ya.”

And just like that the couple
had disappeared with the
two sleeping babies.

“Ready for a fun day,
little sunshine?”


“Cuddly day it is.”

Chan smiled at the little girl in
his arms as he rocked her gently
and cupped the back of her head
when she nuzzled her face
in his shoulder.

One of the things the ravenette
absolutely adored about Heejin
were her cute locks.

She had inherited her daddy's
curly hair and it was just the
cutest thing ever.

And another thing was cuddling
her to sleep when it was nap time
because how could someone be so
adorable when they were sleepy?

The tiny girl didn't protest when
her favorite uncle carried her to
the living room where he had
already made space to set up
some different stuff Heejin could
play with later if she wanted
but for now the couch was
their first choice.

Knowing that the squishy nugget
couldn't rest well without her
favorite chick plushie, Chan had
already collected it from the girl's
bag and handed it to her once the
two had settled on the couch.


Heejin giggled cutely when her
uncle let the chick plushie waddle
over her torso just to let it give the
tiny girl a big smooch on the chubby,
freckled cheek with its soft beak.

And once the plushie was cuddled
close to her chest, the little girl only
yawned cutely as she curled up in
her favorite uncle's hold.

One of the things she always loved
the most when she was staying with
Chan was when he read to her.

It had become some sort of tradition
for them that instead of watching TV,
her favorite uncle would have a
children's book already laying on
the coffee table, ready for usage.

Felix and Changbin had told
their friend multiple times that
he shouldn't spend his money
on children's books when
Heejin had many books at home
and they could just bring some.

But Chan never listened,
he enjoyed stopping at the little
bookstore on his way home from
work just to chat with the owner
and choose a new book once they
had finished the last one.

“Look, Jinnie.
What's this?”

Chan giggled when the tiny girl
in his arms gasped at the sight
of a cute, spotted cow printed
on the cover of the book and
squeaked an excited ‘moo!’

For whatever reasons Heejin was
a big fan of farm animals (including
chickens, obviously) and it had
become Chan's lifetime mission
to find all the children's books with
farm stories and cute illustrations.

“Yeah, it's a little cow, hm?
And look, there's a little piggy too!”

The ravenette smiled as he pointed
at the pink pig in the background
before he opened the book to
start their reading session.

Heejin sighed in content as she
rested her head against her favorite
uncle's chest, looking so utterly
comfortable curled up in his hold
with Bbokie in her arms when Chan
pressed a soft kiss on her head.

He couldn't really describe how
much he loved the little girl.

Sure, the twins were unbelievably
adorable and tiny Mr Han-Lee was
undoubtedly a heart stealer too but
with Heejin there has been such a
deep connection from the start.

It was as if she had come
out of the womb saying
I'm here, where's my uncle Channie?’

And Chan still could wrap his
head around the fact that Felix
and Changbin had asked him to
become Heejin's godfather that
day in the hospital when he had
met the twins for the very
first time.

If something would ever happen
to them, their tiny nugget would
still grow up in the safest and
most loving hands as long as
she was with Chan.

Uncle Channie uwu

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now