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“You're unbelievable.”

“I'm pregnant.”

“That too.”

“Are you seriously bullying your
pregnant boyfriend right now?”

“I'm not, I'm just saying
your taste is quite..

..exquisite at the moment.”

Seungmin chuckled when he
watched his loved one take
another big bite of his pork
cutlet with whipped cream and
pickles, not forgetting to stuff a
piece of chocolate in his mouth
to finalize the taste of his creation.

“You have absolutely no idea
how amazing this tastes.
You should try, really!”

The ravenette offered his
boyfriend a bit but the younger
male shook his head.

“No thanks, you can enjoy
this yourself.”

Things had started to get wild
after Hyunjin had found out he
was pregnant and Seungmin
loved every single moment he
got to observe his boyfriend
show his pregnant person sides.

The cravings, the strong need
for physical assurance and comfort,
the sex drive and Hyunjin's
parental side.

Seungmin wouldn't have guessed
that the sight of his boyfriend
always caressing his tummy almost
instinctively whenever he was
deep in his thoughts would
make his heart so weak.

He didn't regret it, not one single bit.

Because Hyunjin was glowing.

“But don't overeat yourself, Jinnie.
You'll get a stomach ache later.”

The puppy-like boy chuckled when
the older male finished his pork
cutlet combination and grabbed
his milkshake to dip his fries in it.

“I won't. Baby is just hungry.”

“Don't blame our poor tiny miracle,
they're not even as big as
a lemon yet.”

“That means there's more
space for food in my stomach.”

Since Seungmin didn't know what
to reply to that, he only sighed and
cuddled up to the ravenette.

Hyunjin placed a rather greasy
kiss on his boyfriend's cheek,
making the younger man
whine at the feeling.


“I thought you like kisses?”

The ravenette grinned cutely and
nuzzled his nose against Seungmin's
now slightly greasy cheek.

“I do. But not when they feel
like someone pressed their
fryer against my cheek.”

“I have no idea what you're
talking about.”

“I told you you'd get a stomach
ache but you didn't listen.”

“Don't lecture me, I'm already
getting punished..”

Hyunjin whined softly and let his
head roll to the side as he tried to
focus on Seungmin's hand drawing
gentle circles on his tummy.

If you knew it, you could tell
that he was pregnant.

The bump was tiny but it was
definitely there and Seungmin
found it adorable.

“I'm just saying.
I don't want you to feel bad.”

Seungmin pouted and moved a
bit so he could rest his head
on Hyunjin's chest.

“I know, pup.”

The ravenette sighed as he
reached his hand up to run his
fingers through the younger's
grape-colored hair just the
way he liked it.

He was so proud of Seungmin,
how he dealt with all the changes
and did such a good job with
taking care of his boyfriend.

Even after their talk and the
younger's confession, he had
always worried how it'd actually
be when there was a baby.

Would Seungmin panic?

Would he withdraw his words,
his decision?

Would he go back to his
completely shy, reserved self and
hide away from every sort of talk?

But the puppy-like boy was doing
surprisingly amazing.

“I hope baby doesn't have
a stomach ache too.”

“I don't think so,
that's not how pregnancy works.”

“I'm glad then.”

Hyunjin chuckled at his boyfriend's
pureness and pressed a soft kiss on
Seungmin's head, his hand joining
the younger's on his tummy.

He couldn't wait for their tiny
miracle to grow more, to feel the
first little kicks against his hand.

Their baby was going to be so cute.

And he knew that when they'd
visit Changbin and Felix in the
hospital tomorrow to say hi to the
twins, his baby fever would
reach a whole new level.

Seeing the two tiny newborns
would only make him realize how
close they were to holding their
very own little bean in their arms,
looking a bit like Seungmin and
a bit like himself.

“We should stop at a baby store
tomorrow on our way, hm?
We could get balloons and a
little gift for each baby..
And maybe some stuff for
our little one too?”

And the puppy-like boy didn't
even need to see his boyfriend's
face to know that this simple idea
had sparked thousands of stars
in the older's eyes.

Who could blame him though?

These tiny, fuzzy socks,
adorable rompers, cute pacifiers
and plushies would make
anyone's heart melt.

I love Seungjin
Seungmin is doing so well <3

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 | 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now