Episode 6: Ready, Set, Aim, Fire • Part 1

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"Cheers!" The Wonderland pirates clink their glasses triumphantly. The deck is set up with tons of chairs and tables. Cases of drinks empty as soon as they're refilled. The reliable Chef Jung Wooyoung provides food. The celebratory afterparty is underway.

"To Halazia!" one pirate cries joyously, his beer bottle high in the air. Hongjoong chuckles at the sentiment, lightly sipping his drink.

Seonghwa grins curiously and leans over to say, "I've been wanting to ask. What is Halazia?"

Hongjoong sits up in his chair. "It's the concept of The Wonderland. The term represents a source of light and hope. It's a symbol of rebellion."

"Like the HALA HALA thing?"

"Exactly. I came up with it after going through my mom's notes for the first time. I think this is what she wanted for the kingdom."

Seonghwa nods sweetly. His eyes form small crescents. "She would be very proud of you."

The captain's eyes twinkle. Those words mean a lot to him, and they mean even more coming from Seonghwa. Hongjoong can't describe it. The man makes him want to take on the world with refreshing vigor. His plot against the Tyrant Queen? His determination flows faster with Seonghwa by his side.

"You look nice by the way," he suddenly says.

Confused, the medic blinks several times. "Huh?"

Hongjoong gestures to his outfit. "Your new clothes. You look handsome."

"Did Wooyoung say something to you?"

It's Hongjoong's turn to be puzzled. "Wooyoungie?"

Seonghwa embarrassingly clears his throat and shakes his head. "Ah, never mind. Thank you for the compliment."

In the middle of the wild deck, with music blasting loud enough to wake a sea beast, San and Mingi dance together. The former is already plenty drunk, and his boyfriend gets up to join. Meanwhile, Jongho keeps passing shots to Mingi.

Yeosang sits quietly, watching the mess with an open smile. Wooyoung bounces away from the dance floor and grabs Seonghwa's hand. "Seonghwa, come dance with me!"

The eldest giggles nervously and allows himself to be dragged into the drunken chaos. Taking a swig of soju, he slowly lets his body go free. Hongjoong observes with a laugh, and Wooyoung comes for him next.

"Captain, you too! Let's go!" The inventor shoves him over to Seonghwa's side.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa make shy eye contact. On the other side of the party, Mingi grimaces over the relentless drinks provided by the youngest. He drinks them anyway, and his roommate sighs. As Jongho hands over another full shot, Yunho intercepts and drinks it himself.

"That's enough. You too, Mingi," he decides out of concern for the redhead.

Mingi blinks his bleary eyes and giggles. "Yuyu, he's bullying me again! He always makes me drink. Hey! Who's older here?"

Yunho holds him by the hips to keep him steady. "That's what I'm saying. Who's older indeed?"

"Mingi! Yunho! Come here!" The brunette looks up uncertainly when Wooyoung calls. The latter grabs both their faces and plants fat kisses on their cheeks. Mingi laughs confusedly.

Wooyoung's next targets are Yeosang and Seonghwa, who both receive physical affection with playful scowls. However, he doesn't even try Jongho; the young man may shoot his lips off in self-defense. Even while intoxicated, Wooyoung knows this.

San notices the kissing machine activating and yells, "Hey! Where's mine? Why are you kissing other people?"

His boyfriend sticks his tongue out and goes for Hongjoong. "Captain!"

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