Episode 3: Under the Sea • Part 2

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Wooyoung sniffles and tinkers with a gadget at his workstation. Whenever he feels upset, he locks himself inside the workshop. This time is no different. He is more afraid than angry. After he argued with San, he went to Hongjoong and felt his heart break at the confirmation of his fears.

They're the two most important people in his life. Nobody knows more about him than they do, which means they should've known better than to keep this from him. If something were to happen to San without Wooyoung being warned, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Hongjoong and San both know this and yet they hide the severity of the mission under the guise of protecting him. Wooyoung is sure they're afraid he'll interfere out of concern for his boyfriend's safety.

A soft click sounds across the room and Yunho enters the workshop. The brunette immediately makes his way over to the sulky inventor and leans against the table. "Are you okay?"

Wooyoung spares him not a glance. "No."

Yunho cannot contain his short chuckle, then sighs sympathetically. "Of course not. However, there's a sweet and clingy idiot waiting for you out in the hallway. He's wondering if you can forgive him."


The brunette sighs once more. Having been the one to initially discuss the risks with the captain, he obviously knows how dangerous this solo mission will be. He also knows why Wooyoung is so scared. Not only for the latter's personal reasons but also because Yunho experiences a similar type of fear regarding Mingi.

He says, "I know you're scared, Wooyoung. I get it, I really do. But shouldn't you also consider San's feelings about this? Seonghwa told me something about not saying hypocritical things in an attempt to comfort others, so I won't poke my nose too far. But I do think you should have more faith. Hongjoong hesitated a long time because he was worried about you two."

Wooyoung doesn't respond, and the swordsman decides he has said all he needs to. Yunho exits the workshop, making meaningful eye contact with Choi San waiting patiently. At the first mate's signal, the man enters the room and shuts the door for privacy.

San approaches his lover cautiously, tiptoeing around imaginary eggshells. The moment Wooyoung sees him, he throws the first object his hand touches with almost perfect precision. He is not a good shot by far, but his fury proves to enhance his skills.

"You're not allowed in here," he growls.

The diver jerks a thumb toward the door. "Yunho let me in."

The inventor rolls his eyes and continues messing with an unknown gadget. It's an ancient tool he has yet to figure out, but he's in no hurry; it quickly became a trinket for him to fiddle with when he needs to relieve stress. San snatches the object from his boyfriend's hands and puts it far out of reach.

"Hey!" the latter shouts.

Wooyoung attempts to retrieve his toy, but San moves faster. He catches the inventor just as he stands up and flips them around so that the latter is sitting atop the workstation. San grips the younger's hips to keep him in place.

"Let's talk," he says.

"I don't want to."

"But you have to. How am I meant to complete my mission when I know you're like this?"

"Then don't do it," Wooyoung shrugs.

San closes his eyes frustratedly. He whines, "Wooyoung!"

"Why?!" the inventor cries back.

Taking a deep breath, the elder looks sternly at his boyfriend and contends with his attitude. He clarifies, "This is something I have to do. It's for our team, for our captain. I thought you of all people would understand that."

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