Episode 1: Welcome to The Wonderland • Part 2

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Seonghwa follows the stranger through the streets and back toward the market. His cuts are no longer bleeding, and he's adjusted to the bruising of his abdomen. Not entirely sure what he meant by "showing him freedom," Jinju's reliable helper contemplates why he took the mysterious man's hand.

Deep down, maybe there is a craving for something different. It's buried so far into the graveyard of his heart that he genuinely believes his life is satisfying enough.

And as they grow closer to the fish market, apprehension stiffens his body. If his boss catches him, it's game over. That and the regret of impulsively joining a stranger because of some ambiguous words slows Seonghwa's awkward stride.

Nervously, eyes shifting in discomfort, he asks, "What's your name? You haven't said."

"You didn't ask."

He's pretty sure he did, though. Thinking back ten minutes ago, the black-haired youth points out, "I asked who you are in the alley. You chose to answer with some hero's line."

"Kim Hongjoong. You?" the blond says immediately after a cute chuckle.

He turns around to face his new peer, dangerously walking backward but making it look easy. Just as he suspected before, this person has pretty eyes to match his face—silverish-blue, like crystal orbs. Those orbs flit away from the contact.

The Jinju man timidly answers, "Park Seonghwa..."

"Pleasure to meet you."

There's oddly nothing about the man that feels untrustworthy no matter how Seonghwa scrutinizes him. He has never met someone like this before; a person with a shining aura who can earn trust simply by a smile. As much as he wants to be skeptical and on guard around him, he just can't. It makes him a tad bit envious.

A familiar face comes into view and brings Seonghwa to a complete halt. His new acquaintance stops as well, leaning in quizzically. "What's wrong?"

"There," Seonghwa points to the fish stall he works at.

A burly man with a crooked mustache and a head full of black hair grunts through the tasks that are meant for his employee. His hair isn't the same jet black as Seonghwa's, but instead has gray streaks highlighting stress more so than age.

"That's my boss. I've been gone for so long, he'll kill me if he sees me," the absentee worker gulps. He would rather not take another slap to the face today.

"Then we won't let him see you," Hongjoong says confidently. The taller male stares at him with disbelief.

Ignoring the doubt in his face, Hongjoong reassures him. "I won't let you get hit again. Trust me."

I don't even know you. How am I supposed to trust you? This is Seonghwa's thought, but he continues trusting the odd stranger regardless. Hongjoong cuts through a competing fish kiosk and the jujube lady to round the corner behind a booth vending cheap jewelry.

He politely declines the couple selling flowers and makes a beeline to the dock once he's sure they're in the clear. Seonghwa hastily copies the route while pondering how the smaller man is so swift on his feet.

He properly catches up once they reach the harbor and silently thanks him for having hair that stands out underneath his cool hat. He may have lost sight of him otherwise. Hongjoong strolls over to a vehicle that leaves Seonghwa thunderstruck. Even after working at the fish market for years, he has never seen such a gorgeous ship.

With a hull great enough to host two other ships and masts that touch the clouds, she easily stands out against the rest. Her sails are down at the moment, but Seonghwa is sure they billow majestically in the wind. At the very top past the comfortable crow's nest is a grand flag with a simple yet pleasing pattern of thick black stripes and a scraggly red W pressed against white. In sets of three, the top and bottom collections of lines end midway while the middle set streaks completely from left to right.

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