Chapter 27

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"It's more troublesome than what we had originally planned but the outcome fortunately still managed to be in our favor. However, the risks have become more dire than necessary..." Shikaku paced back and forth from behind his desk, holding his chin with his right hand while leaning on his left, as he addressed the two boys who watched him in their seats, with pairing emotionless expressions.

"Although I managed to convince Hokage-sama about Danzo, the evidences against the elders seems nonexistent but not impossible to find. With the additional help from Kakashi Hatake, we managed to infiltrate one of their known bases nearby and collected more conclusive evidences, aside from what we alreadly have, to detain Danzo for interrogation but not completely enough to put him under. Thus, Hokage-sama insisted for more evidences, other than the ROOT member Fugaku handed over to the T&I, preferably proof of the stolen Sharingan. For it will indeed be useful to turn the tides within the village if such proof would be found. Its just that damn elder had to be so overly cautious!" Sighing in exasperation, Shikaku stood over his desk and placed his hands over the table, with his brows furrowed further.

"Considering the current predicament of the Uchiha Clan, if the proof of the stolen Sharingan is not yet found, the villagers would indeed soon cause a riot over the involvement of the clan members with their daily lives and with the other facilities of the village. Due to how the clan is unfortunately still regarded with heavy suspicion of the Kyuubi attack several years ago which caused many deaths and despair. Only further fueling their anger and hatred for what had happened with the help of Danzo fanning the flames from the shadows. Which would still cause a possible civil war, without the need of the clan starting a coup." Letting himself fall onto his seat, Shikaku leaned over the table with his hands over his mouth.

"The village is now being brewed in intense suspicions, cementing tensions between its people and causing a divide in the higher order. AND Jiraiya, for whatever reason, is STILL not in the village!" He spat with bitterness, displeasure and helplessness as he gritted his teeth in frustration, thinking of the possibility of an enemy intervention or any possible outside forces preventing the Toad Sannin's arrival.

As silence came with his words, the boys were both deep in their gloomy thoughts, listening to him rant and explain the situation that has transpired due to their interventions, as they heavily considered their situation and what course of action to quickly follow.

Along with how they deeply felt utterly guilty, truly ashamed mixed with feeling incompetent and a burden to carry.

For they knew that they basically threw the responsibility and duty of the whole ordeal unto the Jounin Commander without any deeply thought-out considerations.

The responsibility and duty which THEY themselves should have been carrying IF they weren't so pathetically weak in their current state.

That they couldn't help but only clench their hands so hard that blood started to bleed through. No matter how many times they mutter the what ifs and if onlys in their barely holding minds.

It's only been a week and a half since they've arrived, yet such marginally controlled chaos has befallen them. Which is definitely no thanks to them either.

Although they've decided to push their limits in their overall training whenever they had time, allowing their bodies to adjust and adapt quickly, to compensate for their lack of strength, it still wasn't enough.

No matter how hard they try to improve and make progress in their plans, time was still running out. Changes had already begun.

They can no longer rely on waiting for a month for Danzo to take action to grab Shisui's eyes.

Because the elder is obviously and dangerously triggered and furious now that they can no longer rely on their future knowledge against him.

For he had become unexpectedly unpredictable in doing his damage control.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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