Thunderstorms Scare Inner Critic!! ⛈️

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Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Inner Critic: Where am I? *sees the sky darken*

Woman: *southern accent* North Carolina!

Inner Critic: I..... *hears a rumble of thunder* Uh oh!

Woman: A storm is coming!

Inner Critic: I hate thunderstorms!

Woman: Here in North Carolina, they're might robust! They got some teeth to em!

Inner Critic: *sees a lightning bolt* Whoa, did you see that?! *hears a loud ear shattering clap of thunder* Help!!!!!!!

Woman: You'll be alright! It'll pass! Storm won't last long!

Inner Critic: I..... *gets startled by a big thunderclap which sounds like someone dropping glass* Make it stop!!!!

This story was written on Monday, June 24th, 2024. (St. Jean Baptiste Day Canada)

A/N Inner Critic has a big fear of thunderstorms!!!! ⛈️⛈️⛈️😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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