You Tell Them! (6)

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Edited by: ASaltedFish


As Aster and Ellery arrived at the school, they were greeted by a lot of people. Aster, who had already met half of them at the hospital, did his best to greet them. In the end, he felt so exhausted, his smile was stiff and he looked like he wanted to go to sleep.

Everyone in the academy knew that the top-rated student guide of the academy had lost his memories, so no one faulted him for not knowing who they were. A lot of people also took this opportunity to introduce themselves as though they had been friends for ages.

It took forever for him to even reach the Guides department building. He didn't realize how popular Ellery was... Aster was so tired, he wished they could switch places so Ellery could take over for him.

Before he could even think too hard about it, someone called his name. It wasn't familiar to Aster, but it was extremely familiar to Ellery who wanted to choke the person half to death.

It was Darian Velenet, Leonard's (aka Ellery's ex) lover and childhood friend. Darian was a B-ranked guide with fluffy, wavy grayish-brown hair, and blue eyes. He had a koala quantum beast that was adored by many people and was the apple of the Velenet family's eyes. They were a rich family who owned seaside resorts throughout the Zevaria Empire. As Leonard's childhood friend, he had long since fallen in love with him since they were kids.

Darian had always been jealous of Ellery because of his maximum potential. While his potential was capped at A-rank, Ellery's max potential was S ranked! This drove him crazy.

If Ellery had control of his body, not only would he have slapped Darian so hard he would fall and hit the floor, he would have choked this person to death! Then he would be arrested for murder...

Thankfully, he didn't have control over his body. He couldn't help but feel that the universe was on Darian's side at this moment!

"Ellery! I heard that you were finally able to leave the hospital, are you okay?" The cutesy Darian asked without a hint of concern to be seen.

He reminded Aster of Ellery's former best friend... What was her name again? Air? Ari? It was something like that.

[Her name was Airi.]

'Oh, yeah.' Aster wasn't that good with names.

"Um... I'm sorry. I have amnesia so I don't really remember who you are," Aster said this sentence once again. He had been saying this so many times after he arrived, it was starting to hurt his own ears.

"Really? You aren't faking it are you? I heard from Airi that you told her that she made you uncomfortable and you didn't want to be her friend anymore."

[These fake ass bitches... Aster, let me take over! How dare these bastards slander me and my reputation, not only in front of the department, but in front of the whole damn school! Who the hell does this ass crack think he is?!]

To ensure the fuming Ellery didn't freak out any further, Aster did his best to stand his ground. "I don't know why she told you that, but she came into my hospital room crying about how I could not remember her; that is what made me uncomfortable. Since I can't remember who she was and she started crying, of course that would make me uncomfortable, not to mention someone else in my shoes. Then she wanted to come over every day to make me remember when all I wanted to do was recover in peace. Would that not bother you? Especially in an unknown environment with a person who claims to be your best friend; all she did was talk about how the whole situation made her feel sad!"

[Yessss, Aster! Keep going! You fucking tell them!] If Ellery was there, he would be cheering right next to him.

The people around them watching the show couldn't help but agree. Some people talked about how scared they would be if they couldn't remember anything. Others said that it was strange for someone to cry about being forgotten when the person who should be crying was the one who forgot everything!

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