sixth gathering

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r e m i n d e r

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r e m i n d e r


If you have any questions, ask them inline. HERE. ➔

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r u l e s

FIRST RULE: Respect the host and the members of the book club. You must NEVER UNFOLLOW THE HOST, and when you know that you have done something untoward to your partner—being late in doing your task or leaving comments that are too short and don’t consist of five words or more—YOU MUST APOLOGIZE TO THEM.

THIRD RULE: DO YOUR TASK ON TIME. If you don’t, I will make your partner withdraw the votes and comments that they have given to your story.

FOURTH RULE: DO NOT SKIM the story that will be assigned to you. You must read thoroughly and completely (for Task B only).

FIFTH RULE: You must leave THREE OR MORE COMMENTS in each chapter of your partner’s work. Every comment must be connected to the story and contain FIVE WORDS OR MORE (for Task B only).

SIXTH RULE: After reading your partner’s book, you must give a book review (for Task B only).

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r e v i e w   q u e s t i o n s

1. Do you think the plot of this book was well thought out?

2. Did the book meet your expectations, why or why not?

3. Do you think there is a moral to this book or something that it is trying to convey overall?

4. How would you rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10, and why?

5. Are you likely to read another book by this author?

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r e v i e w   f o r m a t

Once you’re done with your task, you can COMMENT INLINE ON THE PAIRING LIST. Long press on your partner’s book review inline ➔ then type TASK B DONE @partner’s username, and insert your review of their book in the next paragraph. Follow the example below:

TASK B DONE @mypartnersample

1. Do you think the plot of this book was well thought out?
─ insert answer here

2. Did the book meet your expectations, why or why not?
─ insert answer here

3. Do you think there is a moral to this book or something that it is trying to convey overall?
─ insert answer here

4. How would you rate this book on a scale of 1 to 10, and why?
─ insert answer here

5. Are you likely to read another book by this author?
─ insert answer here

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f i r s t   p a i r
vote + comment on 2 parts
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The Mermaid’s Desire
Matured Romance, Fantasy
book review inline ➔

From Daisies With Love
Romance, Teen Fiction
book review inline ➔
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s e c o n d   p a i r
vote + comment on 3 parts
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Exodus From Hell
Psychological Thiller, Mystery
book review inline ➔

Crazy Love Thing I: A Mystery Unfold
Mystery/Thriller, Teen Fiction
book review inline ➔
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t h i r d   p a i r
vote + comment on 8 parts
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Struck Me With a Chord
Teen Fiction, Romance
book review inline ➔

One Shot Stories
Romance, Tragedy
book review inline ➔
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f o u r t h   p a i r
vote + comment on 10 parts
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The Vampire’s Woman
Vampire, Fantasy
book review inline ➔

Whistling Mystique
Fantasy, Romance
book review inline ➔
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f i f t h   p a i r
vote + comment on 13 parts
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Racing Hearts
Romance, Myster/Thriller
book review inline ➔

So, It’s You
Romance, Young Adult
book review inline ➔
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s i x t h   p a i r
vote + comment on 16 parts
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Only the Bravest Hearts
Teen Fiction, Romance
book review inline ➔

Class of Lies
Thriller, Mystery
book review inline ➔
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s e v e n t h   p a i r
vote + comment on 23 parts
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Moving Closer
Fantasy, Mystery
book review inline ➔

Drifting Memories
Romance, Fiction
book review inline ➔
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e i g h t h   p a i r
vote + comment on 27 parts
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Uncovered Cases
Mystery, Action
book review inline ➔

Patches of Purity (Glow Up #12)
Romance, General Fiction
book review inline ➔
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You have 7 days to complete the task. On the 2nd of July 2024, the sixth gathering of The Austenite Society will come to an end.

All hail the Austenites!

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