Chapter 6

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A/N: Long chapter, sort of .... Anyway, enjoy!


"Exactly, it's too quiet.." I peered over his shoulder to see everyone frozen... Like, literally frozen solid. He turned to see why I was so shocked and he imitated my expression before turning into solid ice himself. I was baffled.

What is going on?

I looked up the sky to see the unmistakably familiar fairy in very bright yellow cloak, laughing mischievously.....

Ms. Nettle?


What is she doing in a sports school?

"Ms. Nettle! What are you doing?!" I shouted. She stopped and didn't move for a few seconds before looking around, she saw me and flew down to me.

"Sofia! How are you doing? It's been years since last time I saw you." She said and she smiled, she then looked around again with a confused look. "What happened here? And how did I get here?" She asked.

I frowned. "Ms. Nettle, do you not remember freezing the students here?" I asked, sightly confused.

"Oh dear me! I did that?! That's weird cause I don't remember freezing anyone" She said as she started to unfreeze everyone.

Once she's done, she noticed the object that she was holding on her other arm. It was a book, a very old one. "Huh, I don't remember bringing a book with me, let alone a book full of sports history" she mumbled as her brows furrowed before handing it to me.


"Here, you can have it, Princess" she said. I was lost for words but still accepted the book nonetheless. I glanced at the book and then noticed the same crest that I saw from the other book.

I stared at her in confusion, only to see her staring into the distance. I looked over to where she was staring at, there was nothing. Just huge lumps of snow clump together. As I stared back at her crimson red eyes, it held no emotion.

Wait-, didn't Ms. Nettle have light blue eyes like mine?

She suddenly grabbed the book away from my grasp and before I could process what was going on, she froze my legs, and everybody else's legs -including the horses as well, to the ground so we couldn't move.

"What the heck?" I heard Prince Hugo grunting, so does everyone, trying to free themselves from the ice.

Some students from the inside must have heard the commotion because I saw a few students, shocked at the sight. One of the student, a female brought a bow with her, must be from archery class, came out with them, then I thought of an idea.

"I wish for Minimus to come fly to me" I whispered as I covered my amulet with my hands. "Uhh, excuse me! You there, with the bow! Can I borrow it please?" I shouted. The student hesitated for a bit before nodding and ran up to me and gave me his bow and arrows and I thanked him.

Let's hope all my protector training pays off. I draw in the arrow, focusing on the bright yellow fairy. Good thing she's flying straight with her wand sticking out of her pocket. I aimed for her wand before releasing the arrow.


Her wand broke and everyone's leg is free from the ice. Ms. Nettle realized she had a rip on her cloak from where the arrow pass through and she flew faster and farther from us.

On the Ice: A Hugfia Fanfic || By: Ashiii S.Where stories live. Discover now