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↳ currently playing ;;[Brought the heat back] - [Enhypen]

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currently playing ;;
[Brought the heat back] - [Enhypen]

The air in the room shifted as a man in a sleek tuxedo walked in, exuding an aura of confidence and authority. It was Jake. Upon seeing his face, everyone's jaw dropped. Their wide eyes immediately turned to Haein, who simply shrugged, a small, knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.

He extended his hand for the dean to shake, a professional smile on his lips. "Hello, Miss. I'm Sim Jaeyun, the CEO of the hotel. I apologize for not greeting you sooner; I was in a meeting."

The dean, caught off guard by his warm smile, couldn't help but smile back. His demeanor reminded her of her own puppy.

"I thought you had a clear schedule today."

"It was a very urgent matter," Jake explained smoothly. "I wanted both our lovely guests to see our hotel in its best state." He smiled warmly, glancing at her son. The dean nodded, pleased with his explanation.

Jake then offered to tour her around the hotel. As he walked behind the dean, he cast a triumphant smile at Taerae, rubbing salt in the wound. Haein couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as she watched Jake handle the problem.

Outside, Juri and Soomin were sipping coffee in the hotel's cafeteria, indulging in some light gossip. Juri was admiring the scenery, her eyes drifting around the bustling area, pleased with the ambiance.

However, her eyes widened once she spotted Jake wearing clothes she had never seen him in before. She could feel her heart race, her breath catching for a moment. But her smile faltered when she noticed Haein walking beside him.

Soomin, noticing Juri's sudden change in expression, followed her gaze. Her eyes landed on her brother, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Mhm, that's my brother," she said with a hint of pride. "I knew he was born for this lifestyle."

But when she noticed Juri's eyes, sad and fixed on Haein, she added, "Don't worry, girl. I have a plan."

They waited like predators until Haein was walking alone. Soomin called for her, making herroll her eyes and sigh as she walked to the table. She saw Juri sitting next to Soomin and offered a polite smile.

"As you can see, I'm working. I can't waste my time."

"Sit down. I have something for you," Soomin said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Confused, Haein obliged. She glanced at Juri, who gave her a tentative smile, her discomfort evident. The young woman felt a pang of annoyance but masked it with indifference.

𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐬. ! Sim JakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant