Is it to late?

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• Ikuto's pov
I was walking down the street to Amu's old house. I assume she's moved out by now but I had no idea where she was. I was only visiting for a short while so I thought I'd stop by and say hi. I see her house and smile. If I was lucky I'd get to see her today, it was almost Christmas. She was probably visiting her family. I was so excited to see her. The last time I seen her was 6 years ago. I knock on her door only to be greeted by a young girl of maybe 12 years. She had brown golden hair. She stared up at me, her smile fading but then it came back. "It's the kitty man!" She shouted. I looked around in embarrassment. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. "Ami whose at the door?" Amu asked as she opened the door wider so she could see me. Her eyes widened and we stood there staring at each other. Woah she had certainly changed!

• Amu's pov
I was sitting with Tadase and Ami, waiting for my mom and dad to wake up when we heard a knock on the door. I was quickly getting up to answer it not wanting to be with Tadase any longer. He came over when he heard I had come back for a visit. I wasn't trying to be rude but after awhile I realized I didn't really love Tadase my heart really wanted Ikuto here. Ami jumped up and stopped me. "I got it sis." She smiled brightly at me as if she thought she was doing me a favor. I glare at her and sit back down as she goes to the door. After a bit of silence I hear Ami yell something. I quickly stand up thankful to get away from Tadase he just kept staring at me with his kiddish smile. I was 22 now. "Ami whose at the door?" I ask as I open it wider so I could see who was at the door. My eyes widen as I see Ikuto standing there. I stand there unable to move or say anything. "Sis?" Ami asks. I shake my head and suddenly I hear Tadase's voice. "Amu what are you doing?" I panic and look around. Hands come down and grab my shoulders from behind me making me yelp in surprise and jump on an unsuspecting Ikuto. Tadase comes out and his eyes widen. "Ikuto!!! Let go of Amu!" He shouts. I look up at Ikuto and he was completely shocked. I felt bad for using him to get Tadase way from me but I truly do love Ikuto and if he loves me back then I have nothing to worry about if I tell him what I felt. "Tadase I love Ikuto!" I say. Ikuto looks down at me.

Ikuto's pov
"Tadase I love Ikuto." Amu says. My eyes widen and I look at her. This was all happening so fast I couldn't understand what was happening. I could see Tadase's face harden in frustration and anger as he scowled at me. "But Amu you said if Ikuto didn't come for you in 4 years you'd marry me and it's been 6 years since you last saw each other, you can't seriously love that stupid black cat!" Tadase yelled I glared at him. I was not a stupid black cat and besides if Amu chose me than she chose me hahaha stupid kiddy king doesn't like losing does he? Hahaha. Amu jumped out of my arms and walked over to Tadase. Tadase smiled, thinking he had won. Suddenly Amu smacked his face. "Ami go inside." Amu said. Ami followed orders and went inside leaving me, Amu, and kiddy king out side. Tadase held his cheek where Amu had smacked him. "How dare you Tadase! I love Ikuto and he's my stupid black cat! Please get off my property!" She shouted. Tears brimmed her eyes but never spilled.

• Amu's pov
"How dare you Tadase! I love Ikuto and he's my stupid black cat! Please get off my property!" I shout at Tadase. Tears threaten to spill but I held them in. Tadase looked at me horrified. "Amu I... I don't understand... I love you! Can't you see that Ikuto is just using you! He doesn't love you Amu, he just shows up at your door and you proclaim that you love him!!? No Amu I will not let you make this mistake your coming with me and that's the end of it!!" Tadase shouted as he grabbed my arm and yanked me toward him as he left the house. "Tadase let go of me!" I shout trying to break free of his hard grasp. Suddenly a strong hand reaches toward me and pulls me away from Tadase. I gasp as Ikuto pulls me toward him. He hugs me as I stay in his arms. "Don't touch my Amu-koi like that! She told you her feelings so I think you better accept that you lost and move on! She won't ever love you!" He spat out as he glared at Tadase.

• Ikuto's pov
As I yelled at Tadase I was actually quiet pissed. Amu was trembling in my arms as she huddled into my arms. Tadase looked at me with anger and hatred. The way he treated my little Amu made me shake with anger. He had a point there's no denying that. It was very surprising when Amu had told me she loved me when I first saw her but after awhile I could tell how much she hated Tadase, how much she yearned to be held by me, how much she wanted nothing to do with Tadase and his stupid kiddish acts. Like right now he's throwing a tantrum because he can't get what he wants. Well sorry to break it to Ya kiddy king, Amu isn't yours now get lost twerp! "Any is naive she doesn't know what she wants and she certainly doesn't need your influence! Your a bad indulgence on her!" He shouted. I'm surprised he has the audacity to yell at me like that. I'm a bad influence on Amu? No I think he is! "Leave Tadase!" Amu tried yelling but her nervousness showed and she clung to me, nuzzling her face against my neck. I smirked at her. She's like a cat yearning for its masters attention. Oh god that sort of turned me on! I turned my attention to the idiot who was pursuing my Amu-koi. He scoffed and headed to the gates. "I won't give up!" He shouted as he dashed off. Ha! He ran off like a scared rabbit!! I looked down at my little strawberry.

• Amu's pov
After Tadase had left I felt a weight lift from me. He was gone! I had Ikuto back! Did that mean he loved me?! I looked up at him with a nervous blush. He was already looking at me with a smirk. "Is my Amu-koi alright?" He asked. His teasing only deepened my blush but without Tadase here to ruin our moments I wrapped my arms all the way around his chest and nuzzled into him. His scent, his warmth, his muscles, his heart beat, I loved them all and I didn't want him to leave! Not ever again! "Sis, mom and dad are up... Where'd Tadase go?" She asked. I blushed and looked up at Ikuto. He smirked. "He had to go..." Ikuto stated. I giggled and we walked inside. When my parents saw Ikuto instead of Tadase we got tons of looks. "Amu, sweetie, who's your friend?" My mother asked. I smiled and grabbed Ikuto's hand. "This is Ikuto, mom, dad." I look at the both of them. My father's eyes rolled back and he fainted. My mother sighed and helped him to the couch. "Amu, mind explaining yourself?" She asked. I sighed and flopped on the couch, Ikuto sitting next to me, his hand never leaving mine. "Well, I never liked Tadase... He was to kiddish, besides Ikuto will treat me a lot better and I've decided he is the one I love!! And surprise surprise he showed up and I thought you'd like to meet him!!" I looked at my mother and father and smiled happily as I leaned my head on Ikuto's shoulder. He looked a little nervous but smiled at my parents. "My little Amu has found a man!!" My papa cried. I blushed and glanced up at Ikuto. He was still looking for an approval from my mother.

• Ikuto's pov
I was nervous. Would her parents like me? Would they let me have their Amu? Her mother skeptically looked me up and down before nodding. "I think he's better than Tadase! If you ask me, Tadase was getting annoying always bossing you around and proclaiming his love for you! He was just to princely and nobody likes a cocky Prince..." She said. Amu shot straight up and held back a laugh. I smirked at her and she looked at me. Her mother laughed and stood up. "Well Ikuto, we'd like it if you could stay for the family dinner." She offered. I looked at Amu and she nodded so I smiled and nodded as well. I guess I'll be staying longer than I had anticipated. Ami giggled. "Good because I'm starving!" She said as she jumped up and ran after her mother who was making breakfast in the kitchen. Her father turned on basketball and I looked at Amu. She smiled and stood up, tugging me along I smirked and she pulled me into her room. "Amu what are you doing?" I asked. She blushed and pressed herself against me, trapping me between her and the door. Oh, so she wants to kiss? "I love you Amu." I said. Her eyes widened and she blushed. Aw! She's so cute! I leaned down to kiss her and she looked up at me. "I love you too..." She was really blushing now. I locked our lips together and kissed her passionately. She leaned up into the kiss and wrapped her arms around me. I love you so much Amu!!!

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