Amu loves a cat

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Amu was walking down the street coming back from work. She was tired and wanted to just sleep. As she turned down a dark alley she was wrapped up in her thought and didn't notice a gang of boys there. "hey there cutie what's a sexy girl like you doing out late at night?" One of the boys asked. Amu snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him. "huh?" She asked confused. The boys laughed. "why don't you come over and hang out with us. You'll have way more fun." He said in a cunning voice. Amu was getting nervous, she didn't even know these guys. And they were hitting on her! Now she was really starting to regret not walking home with Ikuto. He had asked her if she wanted to walk with him but her being the stubborn, stupid girl she was refused his offer and stomped off. Now she was in danger of these crazy men hitting on her. If only Ikuto was here, then he would protect her. She sighed, she was desperately longing for him. "please leave me alone." She muttered. The boy all the sudden pushed her up against the wall and smirk evilly. Her face went pale. What was he planning on doing? She wondered. "wrong answer princess." He chuckled. Amu smelled the alcohol on his breath. She scrunched her face up and squirmed in his grasp. "I said to let me go!!" She shouted. The boy looked at her and jabbed his knee in between her legs a little ways. "oh come on babe, I just want to have a little fun." He whined. "NO! GET OFF ME!! HELP, SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!" She screamed. The boy laughed and shook his head. "don't shout for help my little doll." All the sudden she heard a familiar husky voice. "let go of her!" She looked over and saw Ikuto. "Ikuto!" She said gleefully. He smiled at her. "Amu, are these men bothering you?" He said in a dangerous tone. Amu nodded. Then Ikuto smiled evilly and started fighting with the other boys. In the end, the boy holding Amu to the wall along with his friends, lost and scampered away. "Ikuto." Amu said as she was released by the boy. She fell to the ground. Her eyes filled with tears. She heard foot steps coming her way and heard the husky voice call for her. She looked up and smiled making tears spill down her cheeks. She stood up and ran into his arms. "Ikuto I was so scared." She whined. He chuckled. "see this is what happens when you don't walk with me, you'll get into trouble. Tsk tsk tsk, naughty Amu." He teased. Amu just pushed her face into his chest and cried. "I'm sorry, please." She said, her voice a bit muffled by his shirt. He smiled and hugged her. "every thing's just fine, everything is going to be just fine." He coed. He started rubbing the small of her back. She collapsed in his arms. He laughed and picked her up and carried her to her house. The whole time Amu just stared at him. Once he got to her house he opened the door and laid her on the bed. She grabbed his shirt. "will you stay with me tonight?" She asked her voice still full of tears. He smiled. "of course." He said. He laid himself beside her but she just cuddled up next to him. He smiled and kissed her forehead. Amu smiled, her eyes were closed but she circled her arms around him and put one of her legs on his and was starting to let sleep take over when Ikuto kissed her. Straight on the lips. She opened her eyes and stared at him. He pulled away and stared at her. Then she turned red and smiled. "thank you Ikuto, for saving me today." She mumbled. He laughed and held her close. "anything for my strawberry. And only I get to do that kind of stuff to you, no one else got it?" He said sternly but still soft and affectionate. Amu blushed and nodded. "I love you." She whispered. Ikuto smiled and kissed her cheek and then they both drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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