Chapter Twenty Four

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We go back to our table, still getting stares.
I glance back and then look around my table "Why the hell has everyone in this school been staying at me like I'm something hot?"
Ashley leans closer to me "That's because you are hot"
Sammi "Actually, rumor is going around that you have been rated the hottest girl in the school. And that you've somehow made all the cheerleaders hate your guts"
I roll my eyes "Me?? The hottest girl in school??"
Ella "You are awfully pretty, Raven."
I blush "Thanks."
Ashley rubs my side with his thumb. I lean my head on his shoulder. The Bell rings and we all get up and leave.
I go to gym with Andy.
       ××××Skipping gym××××
I finish copying my notes in five minutes flat. And then sit there listening to music. It goes to Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) by Marilyn Manson.
I tap my foot to the beat and lip sink it silently. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I pull one bud out and turn around "Hm?"
The guy leans forward smiling and whispers "A friend of my friend wants to know if your free for the homecoming dance."
I shake my head "I'm not going, and if I do, it will be with my boyfriend."
He nods "Your dating the loser in that band, right?"
I turn and curl my lip "First of all, he isn't a loser, in fact, he has more girls on him in one day that you would have in a week, not that he cares, but the fact is, you look him up on Google, you actually get somewhere, when you search your name, there ain't shit. Whose the real loser? Obviously you don't know what a loser really looks like, maybe I'll show you one day. Second of all, back up."
Hes pissed. The bell rings, and I'm the first to get up. I swing my bag over my shoulder and walk out. I see Ashley, and go and wrap my arms around his stomach from behind. He turns his head and kisses me. I smile as we pull away. The guy from my class walks by, glaring at us.
Ashley "What's his problem?"
I shrug "I guys he is mad that I had to put him in his place"
He chuckles "I bet. Remind me not to get you mad"
I nod, smugly. We go to class and sit down. Today is presentation day for our projects. Me and Ashley are ready. We took more pictures and put it in slideshow mode. We go first.

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