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"The day might be Ashley's, but that night, your mine. I'll take you to the beach where I have planned a surprise just for you."
He leans in a little more, "All you have to do, is say yes."
I glance down the hall , we're still alone. I sigh. "Sure, yes. But Ashley can't find out."
He smiles, "I never intended for him to."
We turn to see his band mates, Ashley, Micheal, and Callum standing there grinning. I can't stop staring at Callum, which is a problem now that he's caught me.
There's something about him. Something I can't brush off.
Fifth period and the bell rings. I walk out of my class, and go to my locker, and grab my phone, and make up bag other essential stuff since I'll be away from my locker for the rest of today. I shove everything in my bag as I'm grabbed around the waist by two strong hands and gently pushed back against the lockers.
I look up, startled, "What the-- Callum?"
He smiles, "Scared you.... Hi."
"What are you doing?"
"I noticed you looking at me earlier. It's about time. I've liked you since the first time I saw you."
I blush , "well I have a boyfriend"
Ashley walks by now, "Not anymore you don't, Ray, sorry, my ex wants me back "
I sigh. "How mature Ashley. Yeah, okay. "
Callum flips him the finger, "Haven't you learned respect?"
Callum turns to me, "Do--"
A loud noise rings through the halls, KABOOOSH.
I hear people screaming and the teachers run out of the class rooms telling everyone to get out as fast as possible. Callum grabs my hand and we run to the exits toward the noise, as everyone takes to longer route. I stop at the doors, and cry out as I see what happened. Fire. Ashes. Bodies. So many bodies. Who was in there?
Callum grabs my hand and pulls me out. I'm by now hysterical. We run as far as we could, when boom and we fly in the air and land on our stomachs. The force of the explosion is to hard.
White light.
"Nngnhk' I cough.
I feel a lot of hands on me, slowly lifting me up and carrying me.
I look up, and start crying all over again.
I'm gently set down on grass. I bring my knees to my chest as I shake and cry.
A teacher sits by me. Mrs. Smith. And Mr. Boxter.
Mrs. Smith, "Raven, what did you see? You two are the only ones who went that way. Was it bad?"
I nod, and try to talk, it comes out in a small whimper, "Bodies. So many bodies. Fire, flames eating the bodies. Ash. But. I saw something ticking, little red lights beeped."
Mr. Boxter, "She saw a bomb... This is bad. Mr. Allan?"
The principal. He gets up and goes to talk to him. Mrs. Smith rubs my shoulder. Some people come and sit around me.
Andy, Jinx, CC, Luke, Ashton, Micheal. I gasp, "Where's Callum?"
They all blink.
I jump up and look around. I take off in a fast walk to look for him.
I see the nurse. I walk over to her.
He's laying on the ground , and he's sweating and....losing blood. A lot of blood.
I drop down and grab his face,
He slightly smiles, "Your okay?"
I nod, starting to cry, "But your not.."
He nods, "I threw myself over you."
I wipe his forehead, "You saved my life. But you risked your own." I lean down, "Don't you dare die on me, or them. Please. Just..." I sob , he pulls my face to his and kisses me.
And I finally hear sirens.

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