Anthony stop

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After the movie we all go to bed. Anthony sleeps in the guest room. We go to our room and we lay down.I put my hand on Andrews chest to to signal him not to turn over.
"Babe I gotta telove you somethin."
"Whats up baby girl?"
"Remember when I came close to you on the couch?"
"Yea why?"
"Because um, well I wasn't really cold."
"Ok then why did you say that?"
"Because Anthony put his hand on my leg thigh area."
"He what?!"
"Shhh! I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you guys to fight."
"Babe you gotta tell me no matter what."
"We are gonna talk about this tomorrow. When I say we I mean Mr and Anthony."
"Please don't hurt each other."
"Ok." I go to sleep not as fast as I wanted to. I was afraid they would hurt each other. I remember how Andrew said Anthony was a savage, but then Andrew strong as hell. I didn't know what to do. I fell asleep at 3 and woke up at 4. I had to pee so I went to the bathroom then I went downstairs to eat. I sat on the couch and watched the stuff that was on tv. I finish and put my dishes in the sink. I go back to the living room and see Anthony on the couch. He was just sitting there watching what I was watching before I left. I walk and sit in a totally different chair then the one he was on.
"Come here Angel."
"No thanks."
"Come on I just want to talk about what I did last night." I look up and see Andrew and give him an eye signal to stay and just watch. He gets the signal and just watches.
"Ok." I walk over to him and sit next to him not to close but not to far.
"I'm sorry for doing what I did last night it was not the best thing I could've done. Expecially because your my brothers."
"Thank you."
"But if you were mine that wouldn't have even happened. I lay on the couch and put my feet on Anthony and look up at the stairs. Andrew is mad as hell. I give him the same signal I did before. I'm surprised Anthony didn't see what was going on. Then I sit back up after I know Andrew was gonna stay.
"What was that for?"
"I needed to stretch."
"Ok well I can help you stretch out. If you know what I'm saying."
"This is why I like your brother cause he can gave civilized conversations. I get up and walk to the stairs. Andrew knows it's not done so he hides. I am at the bottom of the stairs not even up the stairs and Anthony pushes me against the wall just like Andrew did. He also did the wrist thing that Andrew did. And he kisses up my and down my neck. I push him off.
"Andrew now." (corie roast see him come from behind the railing like a freaking terminator.
"Hey, Andrew you know I think I hear my car going off I'm going to go check on that."
"No your not." Andrew is now at the bottom of the stairs holding Anthony by the shirt so he doesn't leave. I run downstairs and lock all the doors. Andrew puts him down.
"How could you do that. Or try to do that with my girl."
"Sorry she's just so phat."
"WHAT?!" Me and Andrew scream together.
"Yea, p.h.a. = pretty hot and temping."
"Stop using money talks quotes."
"Ok im sorry that just describes her."
"You know what else describes me. Loyal."
"Something else I love." I blush. Which I swear I didn't mean to do. Andrew punches Anthony.
"Oh my god." I say under my breathe.
"Angel go upstairs."
"No, I'm not a puppet you can't just tell me what to do. And you guys are not going to hurt each other."
"I'm not gonna hurt him." After Andrew says that Anthony gets up and hits Andrew.
"Both of you stop!" I scream but by then they are fighting looking like wild animals. I slip by them and hit my elbow right in between both of them. They both fall to the floor.
"Ow" they say at the same time.
"Now I said you guys are not gonna hurt each other. I told you guys to stop you didn't so I had to take care of it."
"Wow your strong. Can you stop being so perfect."
"Anthony I'm going to kill you!" Andrew says. Then they start to fight again. Then I pull Andrew away from Anthony. It's not as easy as I make it seem
"Now we are gonna work this out like civilized people. Andrew sit on the right, Anthony on the left. And I'm in the middle. I will slap you guys I swear."
"Ok, ok" Anthony says.
"Fine." Andrew says. They sit down and so do I. Anthony puts his hand on my leg. *smack*
"I told you I will. Now talk Anthony tell Andrew everything about this subject." It was all silence nobody wanted to say anything.
"Ok. So I had feelings for Angel since we saw her at the beach.
"Wait you were the one that hot me with the ball?"
"Why did Andrew say sorry and not you? Ugh whatever just keep going."
"Ok. Then you gave her your number and I knew you had her automatically. So I knew she would be off limits. So I saw the chance to show her what I've been thinking last night. And yes it didn't work out. She just scooted closer to you."
"You do you what putting your hand on a girls legs signals right?" I ask just hoping he does.
"Yea that I like them." I slap my face.
"No it means you want sex."
"Oh yea well, that would be nice too but...."
"Ok." I sigh.
"Andrew you now tell him how you feel."
"Ok wait one second lil mama. 'Yea hey Corie I need you to roast someone it's my bro ok thanks.'
Corie on speaker
Yo face look like someone was trying to play pimple popper but failed dramatically. Yo dick little you got that flimsy dick. Ya hair look like spaghetti. I mean rotten spaghetti. you need more Andrew?
"Just one more."
I start to laugh so hard. And corie can tell it's me.
Sup Angel how you doin?
"Good, and boy you stupid. I laugh.
Thank you and bye Andrew always nice to roast someone with you.

"So Andrew that was how you felt about that?"
"half of it. Bro you shouldve just told me you had feelings for Angel. I still would've been trying to talk to her but at least I would've known."
"Ok number one bro really you had to get corie? And two ok im sorry both of you.
"It's ok." I say and Andrew nods.
"Wel im just gonna go. So bye Angel......Andrew." After he left it was quite. Until I remember that I was gonna tell Andrew something after he woke up.
"Hey Andrew that fish you were cooking had to go in the garage because it was bad."
"So what do yo------
"Do you like Anthony?"
Angels mind

Hey people who are reading this thanks for reading. Much love I'll post again today cause I'm so early

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