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I wake up to the inner com come one.
"5 hourse till landing." I was the only one sleeping still. So when I wake up I see everyone playing g on the phone except Andrew. He was playing with my hair.
"Oh god. My hair. Please don't I haven't had a shower in days. Speaking of I need to go buy one of those toothbrushes."
"Your fine. But when we get to the house I'm helpin you get clean. Wink wink."
"Ahh *I gasp.* nasty."
"You know it." I roll my eyes and rub my neck. I hurt from the way I fell asleep. I hit Mauryana.
"Ow ass what was that for?"
"You took this whole thing so now my neck I'd messed up."
"Haha." She laughs and I roll my eyes.
"You want me to rub your neck baby girl?"
"You don't have to, if you do-----." He starts to rub my neck. It felt so good. I close my eyes and let Andrew rub my neck. Then he's starts to rub down my back. I was done until my bra unhooked.
"Oh my god Andrew." I whisper.
"What? No one will know." He puts his hand up my shirt, but before he touches my breasts I pull his hand down. I quickly hook my bra back up.
"You play to much."
"Yea, with you." He kisses me.
"Oh my god." I get up to go to the bathroom and Andrew takes my hand.
"Let me Come with." He mouths to me. I shake my hand and release myself of his grip. I walk in the bathroom and go to the bathroom. When I was done I washed my hands. (Duh. Haha.) I bought a toothbrush too so I brushed my teeth. When I walk out if the bathroom Andrew was by the door. I gasp and he pushes me softly into the bathroom. He shuts the door and locks it.
"Andrew someones gonna come."
"Yea, it's gonna be you and me."
"Nasty. I meant to the door."
"We can arrange that." He smiles and walks towards me. He kiss me and I push away.
"What happened to being a good boy?"
"You." My back was to the wall and Andrew was grinding on me while we kissed. He starts to touch my body and I moan.
"Someones gonna hear us."
"Who cares." He kisses me spot and unzips my pants. Soon his index finger and middle finger were in me. I bite my lip so no one could hear the moan.
"Come on let it out."
"N-no." I moan. He smiles and kiss me again. He takes his fingers out of me and I get on my knees. I turn him to the wall and I unzip his pants. I start to give Andrew a handjob. His breathing begins to pick up so I get up and kiss him. He picks me up and positions me on him.
"Imma show you how strong my stroke game is." He whispers and starts to stroke in me. I moan not as quiet as I wanted it.
"There it is." He laughs. I moan again.
"Whats my name?"
"Andrew." He was getting faster everytime I said his name.
"One more time. Whats my name?"
"A-andrew." I breath as he stops.
"See told you it would be worth it." He smiles and kisses me. Then I hear a knock on the door.
"Excuse me I have to use the restroom."
"Wait a second we are talking."
"In the bathroom? That's supposed to be done out here."
"Well, with all your nosey asses I know you guys would've been listening." We were dressed now so I open the door. It was that girl that was screaming at the person behind her.
"Oh hey how was the time out?" I was holding Andrews hand and he was behind me.
"There's no sex allowed on the plane."
"Ha, we didn't have sex. And you would say that cause you couldn't get any."
"I know you did."
"Theres no proof."
"Yea there is, my eyes."
"Oh hell nah. Your on some other shit." I walk away. We sit back down and Anthony and Mauryana look at us.
"So what were you doing in the bathroom?" Mauryana whispers to me. She winks.
"Having fun." I whisper and wink back.
"Your so naughty like what the f happened?"
"Him." I laugh she does the same. Anthony was just looking at all of us. It was kind of weird but I didn't care honestly. I lay my head on Andrew. Andrew kisses my forehead and whispers:
"Do you think she actually has proof?"
"Nah. She just doesn't like me." I laugh. He does the same.
" Guys you know what we should all do?" Andrew says all a sudden
"What?" We all say.
"Meet, Gabe,Diego,Alan and Triston when we are in hollywood. I haven't seen them in forever."
Yea." Mauryana and Anthony agree. I was just in a state of shock. I don't want to go see them, I mean I do but I cant. 5 minutes till landing. Holy shit what? But wait we cut no damn it.
"Angel are you ok with meeting them again?"
"..............Yea, sure."
"Ok thanks." He hugs me and me and Mauryana look at each other. Only she knows what happened and why I can't see them. Before I relize it the flight landed.
"I can't hurt Andrew." Was my last thought.
Hey Fontenators, this is the last chapter. I will be making a new book. Actually two new books. Then I will also start a part two to this book in a fee weeks ok bye love ya.

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