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I wake up the next morning. I woke up pretty early. I get up and go to the bathroom. When I'm done I look in the mirror.
"Ugh I'm getting fat. Not pregnant fat either. Ugh I'm going to the gym. So I go in the bedroom and open my suitcase to get out  my gym clothes. I do it quickly and quietly. I leave a note on the back off the door.
I'm at the gym. I'll be back at 1. There's some food in the kitchen. Love you.
I put it on the back of the door and shut it almost all the way. Then I walk downstairs and leave. I turn on the car and I look at my phone before I leave. I see a text from Andrew that says 5s ago.
"What the heck?"
        "Look up." I look up and Andrew is in front of the car.
"Holy shit Andrew what the f*ck?"
"Babe I can't let anything happen to you again."
"I'm fine I can take care of myself."
"Well, I'm coming with you anyway."
"Ok, whatever. You better not become to clingy."
"What you mean?"
"Like the other Andrew. Where he would never give me personal space."
"Oh, no way." I look at him and I have a feeling he's not lying. I start to drive. I wore sweat pants and a tight tank top. It's a style I really like. I have always wore it. I step out the car and fix mt shirt. Andrew gets out and he is wearing basketball shorts and a tank top. The gym wasn't open yet so I had to use the key. When we get in its kinda weird.
"Damn baby girl you lookin right in those pants."
"Thanks? Weirdo."
"Aye I'm sorry I'm just spittin that real."
"Can I spit some real?"
"Yea but it ain't gonna be as good as mine."
"You. Cant. Spit. The. Real." I say slowly. Then I run. It's a really big gym so you can easily get lost. I do a few quick corners and he just lost really fast.
"Ok, I give up. Can you help me now."
"Um, maybe. Where are you?"
"By the treadmills."
"Ok." I knew where he was the whole time. I was right behind him. I jump and yell 'Andrew". He screams and I start to laugh super hard.
"You scream like a girl."
"Girl I swear, you gave me a hear attack."
"This way." I point and we get to the basketball court.
"Come on let's play."
"Your kidding right. You know I broke ankles right?"
"Oooh, Steph curry right?" I make fun of the np name and laugh.
"Ok, don't be mad when I beat you."
"Dont be mad when you get beat by a girl."
"Uh huh? So imma lose? I don't think so." We start and I start off with the ball. I dribble and he takes the bal, and makes a shot. He scores.
"See baby girl told you."
"Ok, don't get to full of yourself there's a lot more of me." He starts off with the ball this time and I steal it and shot. And I score. I start off with the ball and as soon as he passes it to me I dribble once and shot before he can even try to touch it. I score again. And again.
"Anything you want to say before I win. Whoever gets to five first."
"I love you but your not winning." He starts off with the ball and he try's to shoot but I block it. I dribble and I shoot and miss.
"Ha, see you could've had it."
"Ugh, shut up andrew." He catches the ball and dribbles. He shoots and I scare him so he messes up.
"Foul!" He yells.
"No referee, no rules." I take the ball and shoot amd make it.
"Ha, I won. Aww now there's no way for you to be full of yourself cause you just got served." (Lol I love that movie.)
"Ok, bet next time imma beat you. But we have to go work out now."
"Yea, right. I'm doing weights. What are you doing?"
"Ok that's the room next to me. Come on." I lead him to the core area and I leave to weights. After I was done I wanted to run.
"Hey Andrew I'm going downstairs. Are you ok up here?"
"Yeah, I'll be there soon."
"Ok." I leave and put my head phones in. I start the treadmill. After awhile I stop. I go upstairs to check on Andrew. He was in a different room working on his biceps.
"Damn, you look good. Anybody ever tell you that?" I say in a flirty voice.
"Yea, but I never believe them." I walk over to him.
"Well, you should start listening to them." I sit on his lap facing him.
"Anybody ever tell you how beautiful you are?"
"Yea, all the time."
"Good, you better believe them."
"I guess I do. I'm getting fat."
"You are the most beautiful thing on earth. It doesn't matter what you look like. I love you the way are."
"Thank you. I love you, but I'm still getting cat and I'm  going to start going to the gym when we get to LA."
"Your dad owns one over there too?"
"Yea. I should ask my dad if he can help us pay bills until I get a job."
"No, it's ok my dad got it and you don't have to get a job."
"I know it just feels like Im not doing anything. I want to use my college degree."
"Whats the degree?"
"Singing." I say and he looks at me like are you for real.
"Really you had that all this time and  haven't used it girl. Now we are definitely going to get our dream. We are doing like two people. Like a little band. You be the singer I'll be the rapper."
"That sounds awesome, but I'm still scared like what if they just like you. Or what if they just like me? I'm so scared."
"Don't be we'll do fine." Hee says that and I lay on his stomach and look in his eyes.
"You gotta stop working on your core."
"Because now I have nothing to cuddle. Like a little abs is ok. But damn you have a staircase mad out of rock."
"Ok." He laughs and I kiss him.
"Should probably should leave our plane is gonna be taking of in 4 hours."
"How are you gonna get your car there?"
"I have it covered."
"Are you selling it."
"Um, yea kinda. We are gonna drive home get our stuff, drive to the airport and someone is gonna be waiting for it. Then he pays me and now we have a little over one million dollars."
"Damn. Ok let's go." We leave and go to the car. We drive off and get home in twenty five minutes. I have no idea why it's a longer time but whatever. We go in the bed is already deflated. We get our stuff and leave. When we get to the airport someone is waiting for us. He gives Andrew the money and we go. We walk up to the front door and I see Cailee, Mauryana, Richard, and Jason. They run up to me and hug me. Then they do the same with Andrew.
"We are going to miss you so much." Mauryana says and hugs me again.
"You better call, biotch." Richard says, I guess you probably guessed that.
"Text me." Cailee says. She hates talking in the phone.
"I barely know you so call him." And then there's jason.
"You guys still have oovoo right?"
"Yea duh." They all say.
"Ok, ill he'll, one of us will oovoo you guys." We all hug one more time then me and Andrew leave. They were starting to boars the plane. So we go and get on the plane and sit. (duh)
This is gonna be a long flight. I say in my head and put my headphones on
Hey Fontenators, do you want me to put something spicy in the flight or just skip the flight. Sorry this chapter was kinda boring. Bye.

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