Bonus Chapter 3: The Diary

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Alisha's POV:

Life with Siddharth was going wonderfully well. We both worked, and our routine had settled into a comfortable rhythm.

Each morning, we'd wake up together, share breakfast, and then he'd drop me off at my office.

It was simple, but it was ours, and I loved every moment of it. A month had passed by in the blink of an eye, and everything seemed perfect.

One day, I had to work from home while Siddharth was at his office. By evening, he messaged me saying he'd be late because of an office party. I replied with a simple, Okay, take care and don't drink much.

It was late in the evening, and I had just wrapped up my office work. Feeling the weight of the day, I decided to change into something more comfortable for the night.

As I opened the cupboard, I noticed Siddharth's side was all messed up, clothes in disarray. I smiled, shaking my head at his usual messiness, and decided to arrange it properly.

As I pushed aside Siddharth's clothes, my heart raced with curiosity. Tucked between his folded shirts, I found a worn leather diary. I pulled it out, and the cover creaked as I opened it. On the first page, a quote caught my eye:

"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."

I turned the page, and my eyes widened as I saw the diary entries. I couldn't believe I was about to read Siddharth's innermost thoughts! My heart skipped a beat as I began to read:

Dear Diary

Today, my world shattered. I caught Priya red-handed, in the arms of another man. The pain and betrayal I felt in that moment are indescribable. We were each other's everything, or so I thought. But it was all a lie. She cheated on me, broke my trust, and crushed my heart.

I remember the way I felt, like I was drowning in a sea of despair. The tears I cried that day were not just for the loss of our relationship but for the death of my innocence. I thought our love was pure, that we were above the imperfections of the world. But I was wrong.

I wrote this to remind myself that I'm stronger than I think. That I deserve better. That I will rise from these ashes, like a phoenix, and find love again. Not the same love, but a love that's true, a love that's mine.


My eyes stung as I read the last line. I felt Siddharth's pain, his heartache, and his resilience. I turned the page, eager to read on.


Dear Diary

Today, Rohan and I were working on our college assignment at the cafe. I was trying to focus, but my attention kept drifting to a young boy, no more than ten years old, who was begging for food from a man sitting nearby. My heart went out to him, and I was about to get up and help when the man harshly pushed him away.

Just as I was about to intervene, a girl with a kind smile rushed to the boy's aid. She helped him up and bought him food, treating him with such warmth and compassion. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Rohan teased me, saying I was smiling at a girl for the first time in years. I brushed it off, but the truth is, my heart fluttered. There was something about her that drew me in.

I wish I could see her again, just once more. I wonder if fate will bring us together, or if she'll remain a fleeting memory, a reminder of the goodness that still exists in this world.

Ishq Nasamajh | 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 ✅Where stories live. Discover now