Strobe Lights | DR3^

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The strobe lights of the dance floor fell over her body like a waterfall cascading down a cliff, outlining every last detail of her

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The strobe lights of the dance floor fell over her body like a waterfall cascading down a cliff, outlining every last detail of her. From her shimmering blue eyes to the small pendant on her necklace.

Daniel couldn't help but look longingly at the woman as her hips flowed in the most elegant motions that they could do as she danced with her friend. Her long auburn hair was floating down her back which swayed along with her hips as she moved them. He was mesmerised by her beauty and that was the moment he knew exactly what he wanted, it was her.

Y/n knew he was staring over at her from where he was stood waiting for a drink, she could feel his eyes burning into her because they were transfixed onto her.

"He's staring at you." Delia, her best friend, cooed as she saw Daniel's eyes were unfaltering as they looked at Y/n.

"I know." Y/n said a smile curling onto her lips at the thought of the man she had fallen in love with over the past 10 months admiring her as she danced.

"I think he likes you too you know." She grinned snapping her eyes to Daniel who'd now turned away to pick up his drink from the bar, but turned immediately back away when he saw Delia's eyes on him. Y/n shrugged before turning her own head in his direction and smile curling onto her face as she saw him before shamefully turning away and looking down at her feet.

The duo continued to dance together for a few more minutes before Y/n stopped sharply when she felt a hand snake around her waist. She was relieved to find out it was Daniel when she looked up she saw him looking down at her.

"Max is nearly here so I'm gonna go wait outside for him." He explained, Delia then interjected the conversation and spoke quickly but sternly at the same time.

"I'll go wait for him, you two stay in here." She said but before either Daniel or Y/n could refute it she had slipped past them and began to make her way out the venue.

"So where do you wanna go?" Daniel asked her she wriggled out of his arms and stepped a little further back into the crowd, dragging him with her into the heart of the strobe lights.

"I'm happy right here." She smiled looking up at him and dancing a little bit as the music played around them.

"You look so good tonight." Daniel complimented her, she stopped dancing and stepped closer to him but he didn't move back.

"Do you mean that?" She asked a smirk on her face, wondering if he meant it or if he was just saying it because he was a little drunk.

"Yeah I do." He nodded looking down at Y/n, butterflies flitted to her stomach as his eyes locked onto to hers.

"Would you mean it even if you weren't drunk though?" She asked being absolutely sure he knew what she meant.

"Yeah I would, I mean it now." He reinforced it, his hand now resting on her waist for the second time that evening.

"Mhm." Y/n hummed sliding her arms around his neck. "Do you?" She sniggered knowing now that he did mean it she just wanted to prolong this moment between them, while also praying it was first of many.

"Yeah I do." Danny sniggered now having caught onto exactly what she was doing. She nodded before pressing her lips to his in a short but meaningful kiss. She pulled away and waited for his response, which would either be really good or really bad. His cheeks flashed red before smashing his lips to hers, and they were both caught in a heated kiss on the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Max had now arrived and he and Delia were trying to find Y/n and Danny in the mess of strobe lights and other people.

"I left them around-" Delia stopped talking as her eyes fell onto her friends who were now sharing a kiss.

"What?" Max asked not having seen it yet, but it didn't take him more than half a second of scanning the crowd to see the same thing as Delia. "Is that them?" He asked a smile growing onto his face.

"Yes!" Delia nodded happily before fist pumping. A wide smile was displayed on her lips as she turned away to Max.

"Finally!" He said just as overjoyed as Delia. The two had both set up the entire night and prayed this would happen and thank goodness it did.

Y/n broke the kiss before speaking, eluding to her and Daniel going somewhere else he nodded and agreed. They had both forgotten about Max and Delia now, all they could think about was each other.

Max and Delia spun to face the opposite direction so that Y/n and Danny wouldn't see them. Max cautiously turned around and gently smacked Delia on the arm as he saw them both fighting their way out the crowd towards another area.

The bathrooms.

"Let's follow them." Delia smirked, Max's eyes widened as he saw them both sneak into the women's bathroom.

"I'm not going in there!" He exclaimed as he looked at his friend. "I can't be seen going into the women's bathroom."

"Then don't be seen." Delia smiled before grabbing his wrist and dragging him along with her. They reached the door of them and Max stood hesitantly as the two looked at each other. Delia sighed out as she realised she couldn't force him to go in there with her.

"Fine I'll go in!" She huffed, before carefully opening the door and slipping into the room trying to make as little noise as possible. The music outside could still be heard at a loud volume in the bathroom but it was a moment of 'quiet' in a way. The room was much cooler and quieter than the main area on the venue.

Delia stood by the sinks and looked in the mirror and as she looked into it she spotted a pair of trainers underneath a stall door with the wearers jeans collected on them around their ankles. Then a pair of red shoes that were barely visible between them, Delia rushed out no longer bothered about being quiet as she realised which stall the two of them were in.

"Well?" Max asked as Delia hurried out the door of the bathroom.

"They were the stall together and-" she cringed at the sentence that was beginning to form in her mind as Max urged her to tell him. "And his pants were round his ankles."

"ERH!" Max screwed up his face in disgust before they walked away from the bathroom and over to the bar.

A while later Daniel appeared next to Delia and Max who were still stood by the bar. Max raised his brows at Danny who raised them back and a smile curled onto his face.

"Where's Y/n?" Max asked, even though he knew exactly where she was and where Daniel had just come from.

"She went bathroom." He said. Max nodded and peered around Daniel as he saw Y/n walking back over.

"Hi Max." She smiled not having seen him yet tonight. "Did you only just get here or..."

"No I got here about half an hour ago." He said, Y/n's eyes widened at little bit, that put into perspective how long her and Daniel had been gone.

"Where've you two been? We've been looking for you for ages." Delia said with a smug look on her face.

"Just dancing." Daniel said his cheeks burning up with an embarrassed blush. Y/n nodded in agreement.

"Oh right we couldn't see you that's all." Delia smiled trying to get out them what she already knew. There was an awkward pause between them all before Max made a bold statement to try and stop Delia's little pushes.

"We know you weren't on the dance floor, we saw you go into the bathrooms together." He revealed, Y/n and Danny's eyes widened before looking away shamefully.

Nothing more was said about it for the rest of the night, the four of them just continued to enjoy themselves but the way Y/n and Daniel looked at each other was different. Very very different.

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