Chapter 18: Unwelcome Surprise

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Copyright 2015 © Rosesareforever

Cruel Fate

Chapter 18

Unwelcome Surprise

Feeling beyond warm and cozy, Amelia slowly woke up from one heavenly dream of a muscled body curled around her, two masculine arms holding her in a firm lock underneath the Egyptian cotton sheets. It took a second to register where she was and how on earth her dream of being in a man's arms was suddenly a reality. Benjamin. Flashes of them together on the couch, watching a movie, infiltrated her brain. She'd fallen asleep Amelia realized. His fingers massaging her nape had simply felt too good, too relaxing, to stay awake.

Part of her could kick herself for not putting her foot down and going home when she knew she was getting tired, but above all she felt happy to be in Benjamin's embrace. Doubt always ate at her conscious, worries about the future, but today she was going to try to keep them at bay. She deserved a break. In all honesty, what did it really matter that she'd stayed the night? It didn't harm anyone. The only bad it did was make her heart grow even fonder of the man holding her in his arms, which was dangerous. She already felt too much.

Trying to wiggle herself free, Amelia pushed and pulled to no avail. Benjamin's grip was tight, leaving her immobile. His chest was pressed flat against her backside, one arm curled around her middle, the other underneath her and one of his legs thrown over her hip. Somehow he'd managed to tangle their limbs together. His hold gave spooning a complete new meaning. Admittedly, it felt good, better than good, to be snuggled together like that. It made her feel safe and cherished, a feeling she was not accustomed to.

While she longed to stay in the safe cocoon Benjamin had created, nature called. Amelia guessed she had approximately five to ten more minutes before her bladder would burst. It was a wonder she hadn't woken sooner. Usually, she had to get up at least once at night to go to the bathroom. Deciding that the only way to get out of Benjamin's vice grip was to wake him, she softly rubbed his arm and called out his name. He mumbled his protest, still asleep, and hid his face in the crook of her neck.

It was adorable, so adorable that another warm feeling coursed through her body. The more time she spent in his presence, the more enthralled she became. Amelia tried her best to keep her heart locked away until she was certain it was safe to open up to the man that could easily break it, but no matter how hard she tried the lock apparently didn't work. She was falling for him so damn hard and fast it scared the hell out of her.

"Benjamin, I need to get up," she stated, louder this time. He made another cute grumbling sound before finally loosening his hold. Relieved and beyond amused, Amelia freed herself and made a sprint for the bathroom.

When she walked back into the room after doing her business, Benjamin was sitting upright in the bed with their son in his lap. Apparently while she had been gone, Landon had found his way to his father's room and was now tucked away in Benjamin's embrace. They'd turned on the huge flat-screen hanging on the opposite wall of the room and were currently watching an episode of a show Landon loved. It was quite the sight, her two men together, clearly entirely comfortable around each other.

She no longer felt the jealousy she used to feel when she realized how easily Landon had accepted Benjamin, but instead felt content. This was what she had always wanted, what she'd yearned for. A family. There were still many uncertainties and topics that needed to be discussed, but for the first time in a long while Amelia felt confident that the future was looking good. She didn't know if Benjamin and she would work out their differences, but at least they were both willing to give it their all and try. It was something she hadn't expected, completely took her by surprise, but also made her happier than she'd ever been.

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