Chapter 7: Inevitable Desire

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Copyright 2014 © Rosesareforever

Cruel Fate

Chapter 7

'Inevitable Desire'

Parking his BMW in front of Amelia’s apartment block, Ben yawned softly and slowly exited the car to make his way towards the entrance of the building Amelia lived in. It was only five o’clock in the morning. The streets were still dark except for the beams of light coming from the streetlamps. It was quiet outside. In the distance he could hear the faint sound of a few cars, but otherwise it was completely silent. It surprised Ben. He’d been sure the neighborhood Amelia lived in would be loud.

He frowned when he pushed against the entrance door and noticed it immediately opened. Didn’t they have decent safety measures around here? He didn’t even need to try to get inside. Anyone could walk in if they wanted. It angered Ben, probably more than it should. He didn’t like the thought of Amelia being unprotected when home. The building she lived in should at least have an alarm system and decent lock. Ben’s protective instincts were pushed to the surface. He’d need to have a word with Amelia’s landlord.

Once he arrived upstairs, Ben knocked twice on Amelia’s door and waited for her to open up. It didn’t take long. As the door swung open he noticed she was still barefooted, her auburn hair pulled in a messy bun and her avocado eyes tired from sleep. She stepped aside to let him enter her apartment, her face contrite. “I’m sorry I’m running late. I’ll be ready in ten.” She hastily ran back to wherever she came from without so much as a second glance, leaving Ben standing in the hallway on his own. He took the liberty to lock the front door and head to the living room where he sat down on her pale grey sofa. It looked on the cheap side if he was being honest, but it was surprisingly comfortable.

Ben had to admit he was a little startled by his own feelings of relief and happiness when he finally saw Amelia back after the weekend. He’d never missed someone before, but he was pretty sure the empty feeling inside of his chest had been caused by not seeing Amelia for two days. It scared him. Ben didn’t like to depend on someone, least of all a woman. It would mean he cared.

Amelia was a dangerous woman. He’d known it from the moment she walked into that conference room, all elegance and femininity. She was the type of woman men would die for to protect, kill anyone that would hurt her and cherish the ground she walked on. Ben didn’t ever want to feel that strongly about someone. He’d seen with his own eyes what a bad marriage could do to someone. It almost destroyed his mother. If she hadn’t left his birthfather and married Harold, Ben didn’t want to know what would’ve happened to her.

Ben’s sperm donor was poison, a man that nearly destroyed the kind spirit of his mother. He verbally abused his wife for years until she finally found the strength and courage to stand up to him and leave him behind. It had been the best decision his mother ever made, leaving that pig behind and freeing her from a life of pain and misery.  

Nine minutes later, Amelia finally reappeared with a suitcase in her hand, ending Ben’s train of dark thoughts and haunting memories. “Ready!” she announced with false enthusiasm. Ben refrained from grinning. It once again was clear Amelia was not a morning person. She was a mess, a cute one at that. Honestly, Ben didn’t think it was possible for the woman to ever look bad. Even in a potato sack she’d still be attractive.

“That’s all you’re bringing?” Ben was taken by surprise as he eyed her cherry red suitcase, searching for a second one. It was about the same size as his baggage. He was used to being around woman that needed at least two huge suitcases plus their handbag. And that would be just for a quick weekend getaway. The fact that Amelia was different they’d already established, but he couldn’t believe how much she really was in a category all her own. It was mindboggling.

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